Part 1: The retry because the original kinda sucked

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it's cliche time - smill with 6969
first person
I woke up, in my cell as usual. I went back to sleep, as usual. Of course I wasn't allowed more sleep but that wouldn't stop me from trying. I was told to get up and shower, as usual. There's gonna be a lot of "as usual's" here if you couldn't tell already. I was treated pretty nicely here, even if I was here against my will. I had a nice shower with hot water, I had TV with almost zero restrictions, I had a nice comfy bed, etc. The only problem is the whole "here against my will" thing. They also gave me these really painful "shots" twice a day. They always think I can't hear them when they call them "Perma-enhancers," but I really can. They also explain them to new employees, such as my favorite new employee who has a pain-reducing quirk. The only drawback is that it costs the user's energy to get rid of the pain, but otherwise it's flawless. It also has a passive effect which reduces 50% of the user's pain.. which I may or may not have copied. It's such a good quirk to just PASS on. And the Perma-enhancers are just permanent enhancers that multiply the quirk's power by 2x, but for me it enhances already copied quirks by 2x, and it enhances my quirk in such a way that the quirks I copy in the future 1.5x. Just to clarify, two perma-enhancers would be 4x and 2.25x, not 4x and 3x, three perma-enhancers would be 8x and 3.375, not 6x and 4.5x, so on so on. Anyway, I took both of my PE's (perma enhancers) and went to the Testing Grounds, which as you may guess, are for testing. I've copied many quirks, a lot of them being powerful and a lot of them being good for specific situations, which are just as good. One quirk was even a psychokinesis quirk, which is very useful in most situations. Relationship problems? Nah. TV Remote too far away and you're lazy? Hell yeah! Gotta fucking yeet someone to the moon because they're being annoying? Hell yeah! Anyway, I took my shower, ate, and tested. Now, the testing was the fun part where everything went to hell.

"We know you're using very little of your quirk, not even enough for our machines to count it because the screens are ONLY FIVE FUCKING FOOTBALL FIELDS LONG. Use 100% of it for these tests. We may give you luxury but you are still under our control, Y/N." said the main testing guy. I responded with a nod. I decided to focus on my favorite quirk, electrokinesis. I focused a lightning bolt in my hand, similar to how Zeus is imagined. I used many quirks, and yeeted it like I was some professional Baseball player trying to commit mass homicide in one strike. Long story short, the entire facility exploded as if it was blown up with the power of '(All Might x Atomic Bomb) to the power of 69420, and that was just the explosion. Luckily yet sadly, the entire facility blew up, including the machines, so they wouldn't know that the lightning bolt was still not a lot of my power, but now I cant get much stronger. I probably killed everyone though. Oh well, not that bad. Atleast I copied all of their quirks beforehand. The only downside is I probably caused an artificial earthquake and I have no idea how to get out of this crumbling five kilometer underground facility buried by earth with an elevator that probably exploded and the oxygen pumps definitely exploded. I ran to the elevator anyway, seeing if it was destroyed or not, and as predicted, it was. Atleast all elevators have elevator shafts! and flight is such a good power. I flew up the elevator shaft because most of it was destroyed and I couldn't climb on it if I even wanted to. I calmly walked out of a building looking like i was just stabbed twenty eight times and not left a chance along with being shot sixty nine thousand four hundred and twenty times. (i tried) I wandered around, and then I saw heroes. yay for that tv they gave me. I walked over to the heroes, only finding them from the trail of reporters, who were examining what the fuck just happened and what that sudden short hella strong 'earthquake' was so I could get some help or something.

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