3 : Park Jihyun

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"I can take care of myself,mom.."

Madam Park sighs.She stares at her son.Jimin wants to go back to his house,and she can't let go of her son.. especially when Jimin is still like this.

"I won't let you go. Why don't you just stay here with me?There's no one in your house anymore.."

"Mom, that's my house.Its been a while since I went there.."

"whatever you say, my answer is still a no. I don't want you to lock yourself in your room anymore with the illusion of Wonwoo.Jimin... I love you.. what? don't you love me anymore? don't you love Eunwoo??"

Jimin sighs. He wants to go to his house.It just a simple thing. It is where he can still feel the scent of his late beloved.

"mom.. I just..want to go back my home.Its not that far.. why are you worrying so much about me??"

"Of course I'm worry,Jimin! I'm worry because I know what would you do in your house. You will searching for Wonwoo's shadow. Jimin, open your eyes, Wonwoo is not with us anymore.He's gone"  Madam Park says in a soft tone.

"Mom, I'm a man now. I'm not a kid anymore. You don't have to worry about me" Jimin crosses his arms.

"I know you, Jimin.I know you very well. I won't let you and your feelings like this anymore. All of us love Wonwoo but, we can't show our love to him like this.He won't be happy if he sees you like this.. You stay with me,okay? Together with Eunwoo. Isn't that what Wonwoo wants?" Madam Park asks.

Jimin shakes his head. He wants to go back to his house no matter what. And what his mother says is not wrong. He wants to live in his memories with Wonwoo. He really do miss him.

"I will go there no matter what" The blonde hair guy says while looking out through the window with a blank expression. Madam Park could feel the atmosphere is going down hill. There's nothing to say anymore.He's an adult now and can make his own decision.

"What about Eunwoo? Who will take care of him when you're gone?"

"Eunwoo can stay with you. I don't know how to take care of him anyway.Plus, he has a babysitter." Jimin says.

Madam Park takes a deep breathe.How can her son says that? Eunwoo is his own son!!

"Is that the reason!? You want to be alone there.Why? because you want to stay blaming yourself? Blame what just happened? Its no one's fault! you have to know that!" Madam Park raises her voice.

Jimin freezes. His mom just raises her voice.All the feelings mess up. To know who's to blame...of course its him. He gulps. Feels like there's sand in his throat. His chest rises up and down. His eyes start to get heavy.

"It is my fault, mom.." He says in a soft tone, looks at his mother.A sob slips through his lips as he talks.

Her son's sob, make Madam Park crying inside.She regrets with what she just said. "Jimin..please stop saying that.. I'm so sorry.I shouldn't have said that"

"No. You don't have to apology. You're right!  It is my fault. If I were with Wonwoo that time, I wouldn't be here..and you- and you wouldn't lost Jihyun!" Jimin bites his lips.

"please.. stop say something like that,
Jimin..." Madam Park's tears can't stop falling, so does Jimin's.

"I can't live without Wonwoo.Mom.. I can't" Jimin harshly wipes his tears.

"Don't say that! I don't want to hear about this anymore" Mrs Park cries.

"I-If I were the one who brought Wonwoo to the hospital that day..If I were not in Jeju that day..I won't torture myself like this!! And.. of course, Jihyun will be stay by your side now.. Thats the fact, mom.."

Madam Park shakes her head with tears falling on her cheeks non stop. "stop saying that! I already lost my son...my son-in-law.. I don't want to lose my other son.You're the only one I have now, Jimin.I don't want you to live like this anymore..You have to be strong! You still have Eunwoo.How could you leave him like that? He's the only one you have with Wonwoo now.."

"Imt not strong enough,mom. I can't even dare myself to look at him. Because of me, he lost his papa. That is why I want to go back my home. My memories with Wonwoo will help me."

"Jimin, I'm disapproved.That is my answer. You will stay with me and Eunwoo. We will discuss about this later." Madam Park says.She can't take this feelings again.

"I'm going with my decision no matter what" Jimin says in a  deep tone.

Madam Park wants to say something but stops as she sees a figure behind her son.

"I- I just come in, I don't heard anything" Jungkook says.

Jimin groans and walks away, probably to his room.His mother looks at him; disappointed as she wipes her tears.

"Are you crying, Madam Park?"

"No, I'm laughing" She smiles

Jungkook slightly smiles "oh.. do you want me to stay here, laughing with you?"

"I want to laugh alone.. by the way, why are you here?"

"Oh!  Just to remind you that.. we have to buy Eunwoo more diapers!! and baby foods"

Madam Park nods, and keeps her mouth shut again. So does Jungkook. This is his first time sees Madam Park feels sad like that..and also his first time seeing Jimin's crying. He really wants to know what happens, but its better for him to stay quiet.

"I want to be alone.."

"eh? oh.. I'm so sorry! I won't disturb you anymore.but, if you want to laugh, just call me.." Madam Park smiles as she hears that.

Jungkook nods and walks away, leave the old woman alone in the living room. Eavesdropping the conversation between the mother and the son, make his mood down. He slowly sighs and making his way to the kitchen.

"Are you okay, Jungkook?"

Jungkook flinches and turns his head towards the voice.

"Jin hyung! You scared me.." The elder chuckles.

Jungkook stares at the male before asks. "Hyung, who is Jihyun?" The question make Jin looks at him with his wide eyes.

"How did you know about Jihyun?"

"I heard Madam and Mr Park are talking about Jihyun and then they're crying..What's going on?" The younger asks while Jin stays quiet. "W-why? I shouldn't know about this?.. you know what, don't answer me"

Jin smils sadly "Jihyun is Madam's other son. Mr Park's twin.."

Jungkook gasps. "Mr Park has a twin?? where is him?? Is he as cold as Mr Park?"

"aish this kid.. Mr Park's not like this back then and Jihyun has passed away. Car crush. That time, Jihyun brought Wonwoo to the hospital because Mr Park had to go to Jeju. Wonwoon was pregnant and on their way to the hospital, they got into the accident. Only Eunwoo safe.." The babysitter freezes. His mood literally out of nowhere after he hears that.

"But keep your mouth shut, okay? Madam doesn't like if we were talking about this. She doesn't want to hear this story anymore."

Jungkook nods. Finally understands of what happen. That is why Jimin doesn't want to look at Eunwoo. The baby will remind him of the incident. but, Jimin as a father, can't do that to his own son.


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