Chapter 2

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Firstly, I am so sorry for taking long to upload
Secondly, thanks for 40 views, it means a lot to me.
Finally, enjoy this chapter defected to everyone who commented on the first one


I can't stop smiling for some reason. When I figured it out that I probably look like an idiot, I snapped out of it. He pushed past me leaving me to stumble back and rethink my life choices for a bit. I turned around and proceeded to the back, where Liam sat laughing at me uncontrollably.

" Hey! That's my seat." I call out after the new boy. He was headed for the seat where that I was headed to.

I don't care how cute he is but no one takes my seat. Who else am I supposed to talk to? He turns around to look at me.

" Miss Dawson! Don't bully the new kid." I hear that annoying voice I'm forced to hear every single day.

Everyone bless the lord for weekends.

I turn around to find my register period teacher, miss Brooks. This woman has made it her mission to make my life a living hell. From Math, to Athletics. She notes down every single thing I do and complains about it the entire year.

" I'm not bulling him! His taking my seat!" I yell throwing my hands up in the air.

" I don't see your name on it." She raised her eyebrows.

I give up, I cross my arms looking at her. " Where am I supposed to sit?"

I hear a few chuckles besides me. I punch the dick head, its Trevor. " Right here miss Dawson. " she points to the seat all the way to the front.

I drag my ass to the front and sit down. People start laughing at me, but I'm used to it. No matter what I do. I can't seem to escape it.

" Now that we're we're on the topic of 'new'-"

I cut her off adding, " We don't learn anything in class."

She cuts her speech to say, " I heard that." Before going on.

" I'd like mr..." she trails off, picking up her file to check her roster. " Demelo. To come introduce himself."

I hear a groan come from the back followed by footsteps. He stands right in front of me, looking straight ahead. I have the perfect view of him now. He has tiny freckles at the bridge of his nose, and a scare under his chin going down to his neck. I don't want to know were he got that from. There is a huge dot on his abbs showing through his white shirt.

He took a deep breath and began," I'm Sage and I moved here from Wilbur high."

He has such a  pretty name.

" Wheres that?" My curiosity got the best of me.

He looked down, his expression had annoyed written all over it. " None of you business." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him, he turned to miss Brooks. " Tell us more about yourself. "

He groaned again, he throw his hands up and slapped then against his denim Jean's. " My favourite colour is pink." He says.

I could sense the sarcasm behind his words but miss Brooks looks satisfied. I wanted to laugh but I kept my cool, I can't get in anymore trouble today.The bell rings and I internally cheer.

" Oh, everyone is here today right?"

" No, Verona is absent. " I chime out rushing out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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