Chapter one

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"UN please calm down on the drinking". EU begged him to put the bottle down.

"I don't know what to do anymore EU the world so fucked up at the moment I mean climate change is getting worse for some reason kids are making memes about WW3 and are scaring people especially the Europeans I mean the woken to that think WW3 was actually going on". UN said taking a long spin of his whiskey. EU signed he knew UN was right he always was but he can't drink it away. "And then there the two world superpowers". UN grumbled.
"Huh you mean Miss America and Mr Russia".

"Who the fuck else would it be"

EU blushed a bit in embarrassment.
"W-What about them ?"

"Open you god damn eyes EU! They won't get over the  fucking past!" UN yelled slamming his glass bottle down on the table making EU jump.

EU want to say that a lot of other countries didn't like each other cause of there past and that it wasn't fair just to pick out Russia and America...but he was afraid of UN in his drunk state. "You know what EU I'll force them to get get along they both pissed me off far to much". UN got up form his seat and started walking to his office with a terrifying smirk/smile on his face. "W-What..are you going to d-do". EU stuttered on his words he was shaking in fear.

"You'll see sweetheart you'll see".

America walked down the hallway to the room she was told to go to. America got a call early in the morning form UN saying to meet him at the great hall form a very important meeting that she wasn't allowed to miss. That's how life is if you're the world superpower. America reached the room and knocked on the door.

"Come in America".

America open the door to see UN sitting in boss spinning chair EU standing beside him looking down and Russia sitting on a couch with table in the middle of them. 'Whats going on know ?' America thought to herself.

"Take a seat Missy". UN said  with a large creepy smile he was pulling out files for his suitcase and putting them on the table.
'Why does he have the smile of the joker' America sat on the other side the couch.

"Sooo you two what to know why you guys are here ?"

The two countries nodded.

"Well congratulations you're both engaged".

"..what ?"

"You two fight a lot and what better way than marriage to fix it". UN said with smirk he was enjoying this way to much and then both know he wasn't messing around.

"UN go suck a dick !" Russia yelled at him clearly flustered. EU gasped and covered his mouth he had timed blush on his face . America was shocked that UN want them to get married and that Russia had the balls to insult UN the leader of all the countries you know that guy who can get rid of any country by the click of his fingers.

UN smirk fell of his face he broke the pen that he was holding making all the black ink go over his hand.

"Russia..there is no need for that attitude your 1156 years old you and America brought this up on yourself so deal with your actions".

"Yeah and aren't you like seventy five heck America older than you and isn't she the New world or some shit". Russia answered back he was fucking done with UN he thinks that he can boss everyone around and knows everything Russia has been here so much longer than him has fuck nearly everyone has.

UN was turning red with angry. EU started moving his hand and shaking his head signing for Russia to stop and shut up

"Russia grow up and deal with you're fucking actions yes your the oldest in the room congratulations good for you meaning you should be the most wisest your engaged to America to be her husband and she'll be your wife".

"I am not marrying her and her huge as tits". Russia not realizing what he had just said. The room went silent. Both EU and UN where dumbfounded. It was then Russia realized what had just come out of his mouth and that he fucked up big.

America turned to look at Russia and raised her hand to slap him.


Russia groaned and rubbed his check as America pouted and crossed her arms. UN and EU blinked at few times.

"Okay that happened um right you will get married in about year until then you two will live together and every week will do something together like a simple walk or watch a movie EU, NATO and myself will come in regular to check on you guys to see how it's work that's it your both dismiss go pack your bags". UN explained

America and Russia both hurried out the door not wanting to stay in that room any longer.

"UN are you sure this will work what if this ends up terrible I mean for the way they acted about hearing the news it might end up into a abuse of relationships".

"Don't worry your pretty little face of EU I'll handle everything now let's go see what NATO has to say".

Well thats chapter one I know it wasn't the best but then again it's only chapter one also just for the people how don't know I am dyslexic so sorry for mistakes and this is my first story that not a one short book or a crack book

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