Chapter 2

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I don't own twilight

She told him to go show me around outside and some places he agreed even though he didn't want to you could tell in his face but the look from the face she was making told him not to argue and just do it he told me to follow him so I did.We had been out not that long when he saw someone so he walked up to him and said "hi are you busy" the guy replied " no why " he replied " would you mind showing her around for us" the guy replied " you don't talk to me and ignore me for months and now you want me to do you a favor showing around a stranger which I'm guessing your suppose to do so why should I help you" he replied " I've been busy and because your nice person" the guy replied " fine I will but you owe me big for this" he replied " fine whatever thanx bye" then said bye to me then walked off.

I looked at the guy and said " I'm sorry about this and I can't believe he has done this and how do you know him and what's your name" the guy replied " I'm hale it's ok I don't mind and we known each for a couple of years we used to be close then something happened and things changed between us and it never went back to how it was and what's your name" I replied " it's bella and is the something happened anything to do with a girl would it" he replied " yer how did you know" I replied " it was how you both reacted to each other and I just got that kind of vibe between the two of you so what happened with her" he replied " she was a bitch she manipulated people to get what she wanted and if she didn't get what she wanted or the attention she wanted she would kick off and it would take ages for Emmett to calm her down but not before her being a bitch to anyone near her gets in her way" I replied "so what did she do to come between the two of you" he replied " she said that I had been flirting with her when he wasn't around he didn't believe her at first since we had been friends for years but she got deeper into his head with bigger lies so when the next time we saw each other was at my place he come round to talk about what she had told him so he asked me about it if it was true i said "of course not I wouldn't do that to you" he told me that he didn't believe me and to stay away from him and her then he left. I just looked at him and said " he really said that to you even though he had known you for years" he replied " yer he did she had got that deep into his head that he believed her over me even though I had known him longer it didn't matter to him he chose her over me" I replied " I can't believe he would do that she sounds like a right bitch if she come near me and is a bitch to me I will be a bitch back I don't care who she is" he replied " I don't doubt you would I could see you doing that and why does he want me to show you around instead of him" I replied " well his mum told him to plus we didn't exactly get off on the right start" he replied " so what happened with you and Emmett then" I replied " Well I woke up in a room I didn't know and as I was going down a hall he grabbed hold of my arm and asked where I was going I told him to let go he didn't so I kicked him the balls and carried on running and ended up in a different room that looked like a livingroom I was about to leave till I recognize Esme and she talked to me" he replied " so you really did that to him no wonder he is annoyed and how do you know esme" I replied " I didn't know who he was and he wouldn't let go of me and I used to work with her and something happened I saved her then there was a blast and I must have been caught up with it and she saved me" he replied " so where are you from" I replied " I don't remember much before the blast I could be from here or somewhere else i really don't know" he replied " ok".

We walking around with him showing me around telling me about the stuff he was showing me I was having fun he asked me if I was hungry and wanted to get something to eat so told him I would like that so he took me to a nice restaurant which later on I found out it was his favourite so I had asked him what was nice there so he told me so I got one of the ones he suggested and he was right the food was really nice I could see why it was his favourite after that he took me back to Esme's I thanked him for today he said it was no problem here's my number in case you want to go out again I took it and said thanks and then got out of the car and walked up to the front door and before I went in I saw Hale drive off. 

If anyone has got any ideas for a story cover and any good names for planets it would help a lot and i will give you credit in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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