Meant to be

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Hello. I'm going to start this story off by introducing myself. I am the narrator, Galaxy Blues. I watch over this place our story takes place in, you could call me a bit of a god. Now this story is about 2 legos, two legos that have known each other since they could socialize. They have gone through thick and thin together and stuck by each other's side. One is a Doom lord and the other is a gamer. Their names are Master Frown and Brock.

If you haven't guessed this is a love story, but it had started a long time ago before his book was written when these two were both in junior high or middle school( whichever you prefer to call it) when young Brock had started to not feel himself. He couldn't hang out with his best friend without feeling butterflies in his heart. Now he wouldn't be able to identify this feeling till he came to terms with himself a year and a half later when he was a freshman in high school and came out as gay to himself and nobody else( though most people assumed this anyway). Now at the moment, he has been pining over Master Frown for 11 years.

While this was happening with Brock, Master Frown had been working himself to the bone to be successful in his goal to be a Doom Lord. He had not timed in his mind to figure himself out and how he felt. He pushes any feelings out of the way and deep down in the smallest corner. And in that deep down corner was his feelings for his best friend. Now he has taken notice of these feelings once or twice. Maybe when his heart skipped a beat when Brock would grab his hand to lead him somewhere, or every night they would share a kiss before they would go to bed and sometimes he would ponder on the fact that they shared a bed and what that could mean but other than that he ignored his love for his best friend.

At this point, these two are going out to the Unikingdom. When they get there, they go their separate ways of planning to meet up for lunch. Now for this to work out I had pulled some strings. Earlier this morning Feebee was walking through a shortcut to get to her shop that Master frown will use to meet up with Brock for lunch. Now as she passed through she dropped a bouquet of flowers and didn't notice. Now as Master Frown walks through he does notice and picks them up. Normally he would throw them out, but earlier this week Brock had said something about liking flowers, so he keeps them to give to Brock. So when Frown reaches the small cafe, he hands the flowers to Brock. Now Brock doesn't see this as "hey I found these while I was walking here and thought you might like them" he sees this more like " Look at these flowers I bought you because your the most amazing person and this could be me signaling that I like you but maybe not" and this makes his heart explode and makes him feel like he could do anything, including asking out his best friend. Brock wishes he could say " Master frown I have loved you ever since we were 12 years old, would you like to go out with me!" but he can't. He'll play it safe, he has for 11 years. While Brock was internally freaking out Master frown had already ordered himself a coffee and was watching Brock stare at the flowers till he finally says " yo dude, you alright?". This gets Brock's attention. He looks up and replies with, "ya man, I just really like these, there from Feebee's shop right?". This caches Frown off guard, I mean sure he could tell him he doesn't know he just found them laying on the ground, but he doesn't because he gets this weird feeling that he needed to impress him(this is those feelings surfacing again) and instead says. " ya, I-I had to fight her off just to get out the front door." and at this moment Brock is about to faint. He is overwhelmed with pure joy. He thinks that he's not misunderstanding him and dose the one thing he has wanted to do for 11 years, he grabs master Frowns open hand, looks him straight in the eyes and asks him " Master Frown will you go out with me?". And this is where all goes to shit creek. Master Frown who was not expecting anything like that to happen, who deep down love brock but can't come to terms with it says "what?" with the most confused face that anyone could ever make. Right now in the half a second that just passed after that, realization hits Frown like a sucker punch about his actions and why it might cause this. Did Brock think that he was trying to ask him out...and did he want to be asked out? And you remember those pesky little feelings in that corner, well they were sick of being in that corner now and left, scattering all over Frown's mind and heart. Now, this is when you would think he would burst into tears, say yes and share a tender kiss. No, Frown stood up and with a very nervous voice said: " I gotta get back to you on that" and left and Brock, who didn't expect that, just sat there. He wore a blank face and tried to understand Frown's reaction. Did he misinterpret Frown's actions? Was he caught so off guard that his brain couldn't react fast enough? Brock, who now sat by himself, was filled with doubt and 11 years' worth of rejection.

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