The Underground Chamber

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Recap from previous Chapter :

"We'd like you to start training to become a spy"

Chapter 5 :

Sophia laughed loudly "Of all things you could say you decide to go with that"

Her father looked at her like she was going mad. And maybe she looked like she was. But seriously why did he keep lying to her.

"I don't understand why do you keep lying to me" She said a confused expression on her face.

"I'm not lying to you" her father protested.

"Then please prove it to me" Sophia said looking him dead in the eye.

"Fine,come with me to my office" her father said with a sigh.

Sophia got up and her mother was about to do so too when her father held up his hand "Just Sophia" he said.

Sophia's mother looked like she wanted to say something but she mercifully kept quiet.

"Let's go" her father said leading her out of the living room and into the direction of his office.

When they were outside the office door her father stopped and faced her "What I am about to show you is top secret if anyone ever finds out about this you will be blamed as there are only a handful of people I work with and now you that I trust with this secret." He told her gravely.

She nodded at him and watched as he pulled out a key from his pocket and unlock the door. She then followed him in.

"Yeahhhh" Sophia dragged out the word "I don't see anything different"

"Have at least some patience" her father told her and walked over to floor to ceiling bookcase. He then proceeded to push on the right hand side part of it.

Sophia was about to tell him that he was going mad when the bookcase began to rotate slowly and stopped when it was sidewards so that one part was jutting out and there was a gaping hole in the wall. She gaped 'what was happening'.

"After you" her father said pointing for her to go through the hole.

Sophia's shrugged and walked in and her father followed behind her. He then pushed a button and the bookcase rotated back to its original place.

They were now standing in front of a door. And there was a keypad on the lefthand side. Sophia's father quickly put an eight digit code in and the door slid open fast and silent.

"You know that's not very good security as anyone can figure out the code" Sophia pointed out feeling the need to say something.

The keypad actually takes a reading of your fingerprint as you putting in the code. And only if your fingerprint is on the system then will it open. "Her father told her and started talking down the long spiral stairs in front of them.

"Oh…" Sophia said feeling quite stupid as she follower her father down.

Suddenly the stairway opened up into a huge technology filled room. The room was round. At one side it had all couches and coffee tables, and a little to the left was a miniature kitchen.

To the opposite side of the room there was a huge TV screen made up of 8 different other ones. But instead of them all playing one thing there was different things playing of 4 of them while the offer 4 was showing a video on all natural disasters happening around the world.And the other for we're displaing different things One displayed the news if everything happening around the world. Another had the map of the world. The other one was listing all criminal cases. And the last one had video footage of the house.

To the right of the screens there were different clocks showing the time of different places in the world which were clearly labeled underneath.

And in the center if the room there was a huge table that had 10 chairs around it. And the table had all tiny squares on them. Sophia assumed that it was probably some high tech tavks that could to a bazillion things.

"Wow dad…you actually are a spy" Sophia said looking at her father.

"Yes I am" Her father replied. "But the question is, Do you want to become one?" He asked her.

Sophia looked at her father and seen all the hope in his eyes and she knew that no matter what she wouldn't let him down "I-" she was cut off by an alarm blaring loudly.

"What's happening" Sophia asked her father looking at him expectantly.

Before he could answer a mechanic voice started saying "Intruder,Intruder,Indruder Alert, There is an intruder in the building"

Sophia's father rushed over to the screen that was displaying the video footage of the house. And they saw two people coming in dressed in full black and holding big guns. They then saw them walk into the living room where Sophia's mother was still sitting. And before anyone could do anything all the screens that was showing the footage went blank.

Sophia looked at her father terror showing in her eyes. 'What was happening? '


Well that was quite interesting don't you think?
Also please please don't kill me I'm too young to die.

Hope you enjoyed.
I'm gonna go now *backs out slowly hands in the air*

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