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(Here is the first chapter that is rewritten! Thanks for all the support!)

I slowly opened my eyes, in a daze from just leaving the death game. It was night time, completely void of anything besides the honks and lights of the cars outside, with little moonlight coming through the window. I expected a full moon and was perplexed by how little moonlight was coming through the large window of the hospital room.

I weakly lifted my hands up. Then, gently placing my hands on the Nerve Gear, I lifted it off my head with my bangs falling in my face. Geez, I knew it was gonna be bad, but not this bad. Placing it beside me, I lifted my self up into a sitting position with my legs dangling off the bed, with great difficulty I might add. Getting the hair out of my face I looked outside, I then knew the reason why it was so dark.

The moon was a cresent, with what looked like debree surrounding it, appearing to have been blown up. Why would someone do that? The question plagued my mind as I stated at the sight for maybe hours until a nurse came to check up on me, quickly calling my mom after doing so.


When my mom had come to the hospital, it was a bit of a tear-fest. She was so relieved she started crying, that caused me to start crying because I hadn't seen her in two years, and we embraced each other. A psychiatrist had come in to check on my mental health, apparently I was going to have monthly check-ups. No questions asked, no choice against it.

The rehabilitation was agonizing, but I pulled through, wanting to see my house again and get a haircut. My computer was probably covered in dust from the two years of no use. I was slightly surprised at first when we were allowed to keep the Nerve Gear, but we did buy it and I'm not complaining, the technology is amazing I'll have to admit.

I was so happy to be able to go home after a few weeks, I still needed my crutches though. I put the Nerve Gear on a shelf I had, and started cleaning a bit, mainly dusting my stuff off. I was very happy now that I always kept my room clean even if I didn't want to. I plopped on my bed relaxing a bit.

I sorta fell asleep, and in my groggy state put my index and pointer finger together and swiped down. My breathing hitched a bit, but soon realised what I did, chuckling to myself a bit. Fixing my bed head hair a bit and looked at the time, seeing it was lunch.

I grabbed my crutches and headed down the stairs slowly, so to not fall and worry my poor mom. I walked to the kitchen smelling something heavenly being cooked, drooling slightly, happy to not have nasty hospital food.

I looked across the countertop seeing a knife. I stopped, hearing my heart pounding against my head, my legs buckling. I could barely tell what was going on around me, I barely registered that I had fallen to the ground with my breathing picking up. My vision blurred slightly, and saw what I had never expected.

I was in there again, with the scene I hated so much. The guild, the Moonlit Black Cats, had earned enough col to finally buy a house. While Keita, the leader went to buy it, the rest of us decided to go to floor 27 to grind some more col to buy furniture. I had joined the guild after saving them from a Mantis mob earlier in the month.

We went in a dungeon to get the loot, I advised against this since they were way too under leveled for it, but they said it would be fine. I don't remember who, but they found a secret room with a chest in the middle. They ran inside to open the box, with us following the idiot, when the door closed behind us and the room turned red.

"Get your teleport crystals to get out of here!" I yelled, it was futile when someone else said it wasn't working. My face paled in horror at the realization that we couldn't get out and might die. I gripped my sword, Elucidator, and started to hack away at the monsters. I heard the shattering sound of a player dying and looked towards it seeing another die. My eyes started to tear up and then I saw Sachi.

She was the only other girl in the guild, but was too scared to be on the fields, fighting mobs. I rushed towards her, slashing all the monsters in the way, seeing that she was getting overwhelmed by the stone golem like mobs. I reached my had out to her, desperate to save her, only to see her striked down by one of the nearby monsters saying something to me I couldn't hear.

The tears spilled at my failure, me slashing and killing all the mobs in my sight. When I got out of the dungeon, I broke down, crying my eyes out. When I told him what happened later, he jumped off the edge, killing himself instantly. I was cursing myself for not being strong enough, for not urging them to not go in the dungeon more.

I was trying to calm down slightly, with warm arms surrounding me calming me further. My vision returned to my house, me on the floor with my mom hugging me, trying to calm me down. I hugged her back shaking a bit.

"It's okay, your here with me now, everything will be alright, Kirito." My mom's soothing voice told me. I nodded slightly and hugged her harder, still having tears falling down my face.


After another visit to the psychiatrist, it was fairly obvious I had PTSD. I knew of one trigger for it, I just hoped there weren't any more. Earlier in the first weeks of the hospital, my mom had mentioned school's to go to. I didn't want to go the survivor school, and let my mom pick.

I was fairly smart before the incident, now I'm behind my peers by two years. I wanted to continue where I left off, but I didn't want to know anyone at the school I went to. With my mom knowing this, she picked Kunugigaoka Junior high, the best of the best. I cringed a bit, but still excepted it, wanting to be slightly normal. I wished for the best and went to bed.

(Hi everyone! I can't believe I wrote a thousand words in this chapter, it probably won't happen again, but it still has a chance. I don't want to rush things so much like last time, but still get a good story out. This is so much better than before *phew*. How is this longer than my school essays!?

     ~Kimokitcat     )

Aichmophobia: Sao x Ass class (Rewrite!)Where stories live. Discover now