Chapter one

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Izuku groaned as he woke up. Whatever he was laying on was surprisingly soft and comfortable, but he knew he wasn't at home. So with that comforting thought Izuku pried his eyes open and jumped when he saw four pairs of eyes staring at him. "Gyah! Where am I and who are you guys?" There where four males, one with spiky red hair, one blonde that had a black lightning bolt in it, one with red and white hair, and one with purple hair. All of them had black bracelets on. Probably quirk suppressants. The red haired answered first, "Not sure where we are but I'm Kirishima Eijiro."
          "I'm Shinsou." "Todoroki." "I'm Kaminari Denki!" Izuku nodded at each boy, "I'm, uh, Izuku Midoriya." The slightly awkward silence that had appeared dissipated when the door was slammed open. It was now that Izuku realized that there where four other beds identical to his in the room. A tall girl with horns looked at the five boys, "In your dressers is a uniform. Get dressed then wait for me to come back." The boys blinked simultaneously as the door was slammed shut again.
          The uniforms they were given had a white undershirt,  a black suit tank top like over coat, a tie, black jeans, combat boots, and black fingerless gloves. Each of the boys had their own bathrooms too. It was a simple bathroom with a toilet, shower, sink and mirror. It wasn't small but it wasn't too spacious either.
          After getting dressed Izuku waited patiently in his bed, if this was something to do with villains then he'd rather not get killed thank you very much. It didn't take long for each boy to appear and wait. It was another ten minutes before the woman came back again, "Follow me. And don't even think about trying to leave. I'll kill you." Each boy swallowed thickly, knowing that their quirks were currently disabled thanks to the bracelets. They all stood and followed the woman to, what looked like, a classroom.
         There were ten desks in total, excluding the teachers desk at the front. Five of the desks where all ready occupied by girls, one with black hair, one with dark green hair, one with pink skin, hair, and horns, one with short red hair, and one with pink dreadlocks.
          "Sit." The boys didn't hesitate to listen to the woman. "My name's Kurona Akari. You will refer to me as Kurona Sensei. Understood?" All ten children nodded. "Good. This is the Academy of Assassination Training. Better known as AAT." Izuku felt his eyes widen slightly but quickly hid his expression. "There are two different courses you can take. Simple assassination training or Complex Assassination Training. Usually we would have our students take simple assassination but once the last group of complex assassins graduate we have our next group take complex. You will all be taking the Complex Assassination course with me as your home room teacher."
Izuku blinked before raising his hand slowly. Kurona sighed and nodded her head at Izuku, "How long will we be here?" Kurona let a minuscule smile on her face, "Four years. And none of you have to worry about anything illegal with this course or school. Our Assassination courses works under government supervision. Once you graduate you will become a professional assassin for the government." Izuku let out the tiniest of sighs, at least it would be legal. "Now when I point to you I want you to come up here and introduce yourself. Your name and quirk." And of course, she pointed to Izuku first.
Izuku stood up and walked to the front, "My name's Izuku Midoriya and I have an analytical quirk." Before he could walk back to his seat Kurona spoke up, "He was accepted because his father, Hisashi Midoriya, is a well known assassin that had requested that his son be accepted into the Academy of Assassination Training." She looked at Izuku, "We are expecting great things from you Midoriya." Izuku just swallowed and sat down again.
After everyone had introduced themselves, Kurona handed out a paper to everyone.

Homeroom w/ Kurona (7-8)
Basic Villainy w/ Jun (8-9)
Math w/ Tae (9-10)
Science w/ Halsey (10-11)
P.E. w/ Kurona (11-12)
Lunch (12-1)
Villain History w/ Ash (1-2)
Weapons Training w/ Midoriya (2-4)
Dinner (4-5)
Basic Combat w/ Midoriya (5-7)
Complex Assassination/Stealth w/ Midoriya (7-9)

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows at seeing his last name on the schedule until it finally clicked.
His father was a teacher.
Shit. I thought he was dead.
"These are your schedules. And, as you may have noticed, you'll have Midoriya's father for the last six hours of the day. All of your classes, besides the last three, are one hour each. The last three are two hours each. That's twelve hours in total. School will start at seven am and end at nine pm. Lights out will be at eleven. Seeing as it's 6:30 right now I'll lead you to the cafeteria where you'll eat breakfast before homeroom. And yes, today is your first day." She paused, "Oh and Midoriya?" Izuku looked at her, "Yes Sensei?" "You'll need to eat fast, your father will be coming to get you so he can talk to you before homeroom." Izuku nodded.
The cafeteria was large and, surprisingly, empty. "This is the Complex Assassination cafeteria. The last Complex Assassination class just graduated as you know. We haven't had any new recruits until you guys. The foods over there. Have as much as you'd like."
It didn't take long for everyone to have grabbed some food and sat down. Kirishima and Kaminari were sitting together talking, seemingly already best friends. The girls were all sitting together talking quietly. Todoroki and Shinsou were both sitting alone. Izuku tilted his head slightly before sitting down at the same table as Shinsou. He looked the most approachable out of the two.
         "Hey. You already know my name, but why are you sitting alone?" Shinsou raised an eyebrow, "For one, I'm not now and for two, you know what my quirk is. No one would sit with me." Izuku blinked, "That doesn't make sense. I mean not sitting with you because of what your quirk is. Personally I think your quirk is really cool." Shinsou furrowed his brows, "Really?" He shook his head, "Ok, sure why not? Not only am I in a school that teaches assassination but I'm also being told my quirk is cool. This day could not get any weirder." Izuku smiled at the purple haired boy, "Try being told that your dead dad is not only alive but he's also gonna be teaching you how to kill people." Shinsou snorted, "Fair enough."
         The pair finished their breakfast in relative silence before the door opened to reveal a man with black curly hair, freckles, green eyes, and a slightly muscular build. His eyes scanned over the ten students before landing on Izuku,  who had turned to talk to Shinsou again. The man quickly and quietly walked over to the pair and sat down next to Izuku with a small smile.
          "Hey Zu. Been a minute, huh?" Izuku let out a small laugh and nodded, "Yeah, if you can call twelve years a minute." Hisashi's smile saddened slightly, "Yeah I... I'm sorry for that Zu. Wish I could've see you grow up. Kami you've grown." Izuku's face held a smile, "Yeah i wish you could've seen me grow up too, dad." Hisashi sighed, "You two should probably be getting to class." He ruffled Izuku's hair as he stood, "I'll see you two later," he paused looking at Shinsou, "I didn't ask for your name, did I? Well sorry for that. What is your name?" Shinsou blinked, "Hitoshi Shinsou." Hisashi nodded, "It's good to meet you Shinsou." Said boy nodded, "You too Sensei."
          Hisashi gave a final smile before taking his leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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