Music Box

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1. Music Box

A.N: Please note that this is NOT a Miku x Reader. It's written all in 2nd person view, so Miku is addressing Kaito as "you"... If that makes sense... ^^; But anyway, I hope you enjoy!~

Hello, it's been a while. Well... I think that "while" is quite an understatement. Seven years. That's how long it's been. Seven entire long years, filled with misery and longing for you to be back. I still don't understand... Why would you do this? How could you have just left me like this, without even giving a proper chance to say farewell to you? Where are you right now? Are you thinking of me as much as I am of you? Is every single day, every waking moment of your life filled with thoughts of me? Is your slumber filled with images of me, just as mine is with you? Or have you forgotten about me completely? Am I just a fading memory, a ghost of the past? What am I to you? Did you honestly mean what you said to me all those years ago? It was such a little gesture, really, it was only just a soft whisper in my ear. But it's still one of the most prominent memories of my life. It was the last thing that you ever said to me... before you left me. People always tell me that I'm foolish to invest even a little bit of hope that you will ever return. They just say that your gone, and that I'm just going to have to accept that. But I still return to this very spot on a daily basis, to the place where we always played together. Waiting.... waiting for you to return. I can never forget the day that it happened...

I was eleven at the time. I was so innocent, young and happy. Happy that I had a friend like you at my side. If only I'd known what fate had in store for me. What you had in store for me. It was in our special place, where we always played together, remember? On that hill at the foot of the sakura tree, where you and I had made so many wonderful memories together. We had just stumbled upon this place one day while taking a walk. We had found it so serene and peaceful, and so beautiful. It was the perfect place for us to spend time together, and we had declared it our special place ever since. Every single day, you and I would meet here, and play together from dawn till dusk. That was how every day went... until it happened. It had just been another ordinary day, and I was waiting in our usual place for you to arrive. You were two hours later than later usual, and I was starting to get extremely impatient waiting for you to arrive. Just as I was about to give up and head home, I heard your familiar voice calling for me.

"Hi Miku!" You said. I turned around and saw you approaching me, wearing your trademark wide grin. Yet somehow... I felt that your smile was somewhat forced, and that there was sadness in your cerulean blue eyes. But I was too irritated with you to pay attention to these minor details. I scowled at you.

"You're late, Kaito." I snapped.

"Aha, yeah... I'm really sorry, Miku, but I just sorta got held up back at home..." You replied, smiling apologetically.

"Tch. Whatever." I muttered in response. I turned on my heel, and turned my back on you, and folded my arms.

"Hey, don't be so angry now. I hate seeing you upset, you know that." You said in concerned tones.


"I'm warning you... You'd better cheer up or else... I'm counting to three... 1... 2..." I turned around and raised my eyebrows slightly.

"What are you going to- HEY!" I shrieked indignantly, as you launched yourself on me and started to tickle me all over my body. I collapsed on the ground, giggling uncontrollably, but you refused to stop. "S-stop it! I-I'm not ticklish!"

Oh really? Well then, I suppose you won't mind me doing this." Your hands travelled to my waist, I let out a scream of protest, and laughed harder than ever. "There we are." You said, smirking with satisfaction. "There's my Miku's beautiful smile."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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