Chapter One

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"Quest'anno è tutto dedicato allo studio! Mi senti? È il tuo secondo anno, il che significa che devi dimostrare che stai eccellendo in questa scuola! Niente piú avventure frenetiche, niente piú niente! Ora, devi comportarti da Weasley, capito? Ti vogliamo bene, Chiara." Chiara Gonzales mother said to her daughter, as they stood outside the Weasley household. Her mother and fathers shoes were getting covered in grime, and you could tell they wanted to leave immediately.

"Sì, sì, mamma. Ci vediamo in vacanza! Da papa! Ti amo!" Chiara said to them. Kissing them then running up to the Weasley's door, knocking on it. Before Molly Weasley had chance, her two parents dashed to their car.

The kind, humble woman came to the door, smiling at the kind girl who was holding her trunk and luggage. "Parents busy, I bet? Could've invited them in for a cuppa." Molly said, ushering the girl inside. Instructing here to put her luggage by the door.

"Yeah, Ministry has had a raid. So they're extremely busy though. They thank you for taking care of me though." Chiara said to the woman. Who smiled. Waving a hand in front of her as if to say it didn't matter.

"Anyway, you've got a long day ahead tomorrow. If you want you can leave your trunk here or take it up with you to the spare bedroom. I can help carry your cat." Molly said. Chiara nodded. Grabbing her trunk as Molly grabbed Chiara's white cat. As they traversed up the staircase, finally coming across her room, they panted for breath.

"Here we are. I'll tell Ron you're here. He'll most likely be in soon." Molly said, walking away, Chiara opening the door getting settled in. Taking a seat on the bed.

She looked at her cat, who stared at her with wide eyes. She let the kitten crawl onto her lap after opening the cage. Chiara muttered, "Ancora nessuna risposta da parte di Harry, eh? Mi chiedo cosa lo trattiene." A cough came from the door.

"Ron! Ugh! Let me just tell you about my summer!" Chiara said to the ginger who stood in the doorway awkwardly, he came in, smiling and then sat on the bed. Hugging his friend.

"I'd love to hear it and all, but there's something I need to tell you." Ron said to Chiara. Who looked at him in confusion.

"You know how we've been writing to Harry, and he hasn't been responding? We're gonna go see what's up, sneak out tonight and take the car. We think they're trapping him. Not letting him write to us. We'd like you to come with us?" Ron asked. Chiara put the cat down and stood up. Pacing up and down.

"Is that even a question? Let's go get our friend off of those abusers and..and..toe munchers!" She yelled in annoyance! Ron chuckled.

"Toe munchers?" He asked her. She nodded in confirmation. Laughing it off with him for a few minutes.

"Mum's going to bed now, cause you arrived at like ten, she'll want her rest. Dad's working, so me, you, Fred and George are gonna go save Harry. But be quiet, mum's got ears like sound detectors." Chiara nodded. Carefully following Ron out of the room.

They tip-toed down the stairs, carefully making no noise. And sighing when they didn't. Until Chiara decided to lean back and nearly knock over a glass vase. She carefully grabbed it and bit her lip. Hopefully that made no noise. She put it back and stood up straight.

"That was bloody close." Ron whispered. Chiara nodding. Soon enough, Fred and George came downstairs. Then they all headed for the flying car.

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