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tsukishima, feeling all sorts of feelings due to the girl growing onto him, ventured to the hospital his brother stayed at with his laptop for the good dinosaur and a slice of strawberry shortcake he was willing to share with the girl. it had been a full day that had passed since she became unresponsive and gave no explanation whatsoever. upon reaching the hospital with a bag in hand, he had remembered he didn't know her name, let alone the room she stayed in. 

upon discovering his dilemma, he ventured to his brother's room instead to figure out the room number the girl stayed in. as he reached the room, he left his belongings with his brother and left to go to the bathroom. unfortunately, he never made it. instead, he had been run over by a bright purple wheelchair, containing a small girl who was planning to go in the direction he just left. 

"Are you mentally okay?"

"are you? stupidshitma?"

"It's you."


"So small, chibi-chan."

"at least I'm not a damn pole!!!"

"I came here to figure out why you stopped responding."

"Y/n, if you continue this behaviour I'll inform your nurse and ban you from using that wheelchair no matter how much you need it." 

"aki, aki, aki!! take the stupidshitma away from me!!

"I think it's bonding time for you two. Her room number is 171."

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