1. Ready to Run

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The Winter Ball.

It only came around once a year, and almost every single fairy showed up.

It was a famous ball that had started two years ago, when Tinkerbell had found her sister, Periwinkle. It was made to bring the warm season fairies and the winter fairies closer together.

Twilight and I were standing in line to get our wings frosted to go to the winter side of the border for the ball. There were decorations lining the path to where the ball was being held "Do we have to be here?" I groaned and crossed my arms.

"Yes, Avo. Since us warm fairies can finally go to the winter side of the border," She paused and rolled her eyes "Thanks to the oh so amazing Tinkerbell, Queen Clarion decided we should take advantage of this opportunity." Twilight responded and brushed off her skirt. She wore a long, dark purple skirt that had small silver sparkles around the hem. The bodice was the same dark purple with a turtleneck and long sleeves that poofed out before ending at her wrist.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

I felt so out of place compared to her in my grey dress vest and dark purple, almost black undershirt. I wore black pants and black boots.

To be honest, I felt so out of place compared to every other fairy in line, with their brightly coloured dresses and suits and whatnot. Twilight and I were the only Moon Watchers who were forced to come, as the representatives for our talent we had to 'set a good example' for the winter fairies. Whatever that means.

As we came up to the front of the line, I saw my best friend Peridot.

"I'm going." I said to Twilight and flew over to Peridot, not waiting for Twilight to respond.

"Dot!" I said and hugged them. They laughed and hugged me back.

"Hi Avo." When we pulled away from the hug they looked me up and down. "Looking good!"

"Nevermind me! You're stunning!" I countered and Peridot laughed. They were in a green suit, with a yellow button-up underneath.

Peridot shook their head and sighed. "It's a rental, I couldn't afford to actually buy it." they confessed. They looked around after a moment, their expression turning confused. "Where's Twilight?"

I turned to where she was standing before. She was gone. "Did she leave?"

"She could have just gotten in before us."

"She was behind us in line Dot!" I said and Peridot shrugged. They stepped forwards to get their wings frosted and shivered, shaking their wings a little before giving a little flutter and lifting softly off the ground. They turned and smiled at me and mimed pulling me forwards with a rope.

I rolled my eyes and repressed a smile, stepping forward into winter to get my wings frosted. I stepped to the same spot that peridot had stood in. The frost fairy touched the base of my wings and I Instantly tensed. The fairy dragged her fingers up my wings until the frost covered all of my wings.

"All done! Enjoy the ball!" She smiled warmly at me and I gave her a thin smile back, quickly flying to Peridot's side. I shivered from the cold of winter.

"You okay Avo?" They asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't like people touching my wings." I said and they nodded.

"I know. But it's over now. We're on the winter side!"

"It's fucking cold Peridot." I mumbled and they burst out laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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