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Jimmy: well there goes Clyde

Clyde: yea, how dare my sister find love before me >:(

Token: shut up before you fail your class

Clyde:  <:0

Craig: meet in library @ lunch!! Important!!!

Tweek looked at he messages in the group chat seeming to never end.

At lunch everyone was in the library. All except Craig who was the reason they were there in the first place.

"What's taking him so long? " Tweek whined, talking under his breath. "I need more coffee."

Token looked up from his laptop and glared at the coffee cup in tweeks hand.
Jimmy, still typing at his keyboard laughed, "Tweek, y-ou l-l-li, survive, off coffee, you need one every half h-hour."
Tweek rolled his eyes and drank the little bit he had left in his cup.

"Guys!" Craig called from the other side of the library.
The loud yell got the attention of the librarian.

After a long lecture from the librarian and her assistant, he made his way over to the table.

"Guys!" He said again, in anything but a voice library appropriate .

"I've fucked up." He said slamming his hands into the table.
"When have you not?" Jimmy said sarcastically.

"Shut up. Anyways, I'm going to South park for break to visit family."

"The problem?" Token asked as he took a sip of his Fiji water.

" well I sorta told them I was dating someone, and I would bring them for the holiday. " Craig finished slouching into a chair, placing his hands over his face.

"D-dumbass." Jimmy said rolling his eyes.

" What does that have to do with us? " Token asked.

"I was hoping one of you would help me." He answered smiling awkwardly at Jimmy.
"Please? "

Craig looked at Token who quickly ruled himself put, not even glancing at craig.

"Clyde would help me." Craig said over the table digging his head into his arms.

" Negative, Cl-clyde is going to Canada, his sister's getting married. " Jimmy said placing his computer into his bag

With everyone ruled out, Craig was going insane. Token pointed his thumb at Tweek.

"What about Tweek?"

Tweek, who was no longer listening and was more interested in hearing his score on crossy road, looked up at the sound of his name.

" He's not planing N-nghm leaving campus all b-b-rea, holiday anyways. The whole gay for one another is already t-taken care of. " Jimmy said giving Tweek another cup of coffee.

Craig rubbed his chin looking Tweek up and down.
Tweek practically choked on his coffee, turning a light pink. "You can't be thinking this is a good idea Craig, I mean, we hate each other."

"Well I mean if you're my last option I'll take it. "

"If I wanted to freeze to death of walk straight into the culinary deep freezer" Tweek said taking a sip from his coffee.

That's when Craig got an idea.

"Okay, be my fake boyfriend and I'll buy you a cup of coffee everyday for a week."
Tweek rolled his eyes taking another sip.

"3 weeks?"

"How about everyday for the next year." Tweek suggested.

"What?! That's bullshit!" Craig yelled flipping tweek the bird.

"Good luck finding someone by Friday." Tweek said getting up and slowly walking away.

"Wait" Token said making Tweek and Craig look at him.

"Craig if you need help take Tweeks offer. I believe it's a good one. Because you either cancel your trip to your families, or they think your a compulsive lier." Token said packing his stuff, leaving the two teenage boys alone.

Craig honestly didn't know what to do. On one hand he didn't want to let his family down. On the other, 2 whole weeks of Tweek. Fake hugging, fake cuddling, fake kissing, with Tweek? Craig sighed, stood up and walked over to Tweek, where he stood slurping for his hot coffee, only mildly burning his tongue. He looked up at Craig who was looking to the side with his arms crossed.

"So?" Tweek said twiddling the coffee cup. Craig stuck his hand out ready to shake Tweeks. Tweek stuck his hand out and grabbing Craig's.


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