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Thursday, December 15th 12:30 pm

A week had passed since Tweek and Craig made their 'Buy your fake boyfriend a coffee'  plan, or BYFBC for short. Tweet internally cringed when they had to pack Craig's 1989 red Chevrolet truck. The paint was chipping off. the passenger window rarely rolled down, and it it did it was a pain to get back up.

"Okay so every few hours we'll switch so the other can get some sleep alright?"  Tweet said getting into the drivers seat. "Don't tell me things I already know." Craig said getting into the passenger seat. Tweet rolled his eyes as they began to drive off.

After about 5 hours of driving, Tweek stopped at a gas station to fill up the tank, trade spots with Craig and grab a cup of coffee. He preferred homemade coffee but with being hours away its not like he can just go to the kitchen and grab a cup.He used to adore his parents coffee, but he hasn't even spoken to his parents since the whole 'meth in coffee' situation when he was 10 and he moved out to live with clyde. He's seen their shops pop up here and there. He's even seen Tweak bro's coffee pop up in the town his collage is in.  He sometimes wonders how they're doing. He quickly whips the thought from his mind.

"Why?" Craig says as he gets into the drivers seat, watching Tweek take a swig of his coffee, heading back onto the road. 
"Hm?" Tweek said looking at him. 
"The coffee hand it over." Craig said holding out his hand.
"What? Why?"
"Just give it to me."

Tweek rolled his eyes as he handed Craig his cup. Only 10 minutes onto the road and a 20 oz. cup of coffee was gone. Maybe, if you were lucky there was maybe a sip or two left. 
Craig rolled down the window and threw the cup out. 
Tweak screeched.

"C-Craig what the hell! Why would you do that?"
"Stop yelling you maniac" Craig told him in  monochromatic voice. 
"You need to sleep, you gulp this shit down like your life depends on it." 
"It does."

Tweek was practically ripping out his hair. His blond mess he calls hair sticking out in many directions, ignoring the thing called gravity. His hands gripping his head. "You're an asshole. Somethings wrong with you." Tweek whined slouching in the seat. "How tall are you?" Craig said with his eyes still on the road. "What?" 
"How tall are you?"
"Whats average male height?"
"5'7 5'8?"
Craig chuckled, barely audible. "You're short."

Tweek rolled his eyes, yawning. "See? No coffee makes you tired." Craig said.
"No, you make me tired, and this music. What the hell are you listening too?" Tweek said glaring at the Radio.
"Daddy yankee puts me in a family mood." Craig said turning it up.

Tweek didn't understand anything it was saying besides 'limbo'. Unlike Craig who basically had it blasting in his headphones everyday, sometimes on repeat. Not only did he hum, he moved his shoulders to the beat occasionally hitting the horn and scaring himself.

Thirty minutes of silence they soon came to an exit, where they would eventually switch and Tweek could get another cup of coffee, but Craig passed the exit.

Tweek was confused. "You passed the exit, you know?" He said crossing his arms. "I know." 
Tweek stared at him. That idiot, does he think he could drive all night? If anything he'll fall asleep at the wheel and cause them their lives. "Sleep, if you sleep for at least 20 minutes I'll get you another cup when you wake up." Craig said.
"Why do you want me to sleep so bad? Is this trip just a plan to secretly kill me?" Tweek asked annoyed.
When was the last time he slept? 3 days ago? A week ago? Don't know, don't care.
"You're hooked to this shit like a druggie is to meth. If you sleep those hideous bags under your eyes will go away and my family won't think I'm beating you up."
Oh yea, BYFBC. Tweek leaned his head onto the window listening to the small whistle sound it had let in. Making his eyes droop.

Tweek had jumped up to the sound of the car door being closed.  He looked out the window to see it was early morning and Craig was pumping gas. Tweek got out the car only for Craig to question him.  "Where are you going?"
Tweek whined, "I have to piss." He answered walking into the gas station.

When he returned he was handed a cup of coffee and slid into the drivers seat as Craig got into the other. "So how does it feel to sleep?" Craig said taking a bite out of his granola bar. 
"I think coffee is doing me better." Tweek replied taking a drink.

Craig grumbled.

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