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Marcus whispered in Mickey's ear.

Mickey looked right at Samson, smiled, and nodded.

"No secrets, now, boys." Lucas – the black-haired, blue-eyed beauty – took up residence on the sofa beside Samson, having slithered over the back and dropped onto the cushion next to him. His skilled tongue and strong lips did things to Samson's nipples that encouraged his southern region to adamantly respond—much to Chase's delight.

The twins squinted at Lucas. Mickey replied, "We're not telling secrets." He looked at his ink-free boyfriend, grinned, and added, "Marcus thinks Samson looks like Wolverine."

A smile crept across Samson's face. "Yeah?"

Lucas, Chase, and a couple of the other boys paused their seduction to look him over. Lucas nodded. "I can see it."

"Me, too," Chase said.

"Marcus has a crush on Wolverine." Mickey giggled as his "twin" nudged him and ducked his head in a bashful manner.

Clearing his throat, Samson winked at Marcus. "Any fantasies you'd like to play out with your crush? I'd be more than happy to stand in for him."

That impish twinkle sparkled through Marcus' big blue eyes when he raised his head a fraction and looked at Samson. "Maybe."

"Maybe, my ass." Lucas snorted. "Don't let their shy, innocent act fool you—those two will devour you alive." His lips twisted in dark humor. "And you'll enjoy every bite they take out of you."

"I have no doubt." Samson gazed at the two boys, his loins tingling—partly from Chase's attention, but also with anticipation of the twins making their move on him. Which they would, he was certain of it. This early into the "experiment" and Samson began to understand the appeal of boy-on-boy sex and seduction. He supposed it was probably as exciting for two—or more—girls, but that wasn't a theory he could test—as he wasn't a girl.

It intrigued him to consider the change in his life and outlook following this experience; his view of other men, how he interacted with them, his "romantic" choices. Would he begin dating men as well as women? Or just men? The experiment was far from over. There could be no analysis until he took that final step . . . and fucked a man.

It gave pause for thought about his own sexuality that his male ego didn't balk at the notion. Was it possible that Samson J. Corelli—son of Theodore and Marge Corelli of Stanton Island—might, in fact, be a gay man? At the very least—bisexual?

His heavy gaze rested on the twins while Chase, Lucas, and another boy whose name slipped his mind, worked in unison to provide the ultimate "gay" experience. As he took in the natural beauty of the two blond boys, he sensed a shift within, a chink in the logistical armor that encased his life experiments and prevented personal emotion from contaminating the research. That wasn't to say he didn't enjoy the experiments, but he preferred to approach them in the spirit of a scientist or an explorer . . . studying, recording, learning.

Something was different about this expedition, though.

Perhaps that it required direct intimacy with other human beings? Samson was not put off by intimacy—he rather enjoyed it—but it changed the experiment. Could he maintain a scientific mentality while engaging in intimate, sexual acts with these boys? Sex ignited a man's primal state of mind quicker than anything else. It was kicking in as these very thoughts passed through his head and he stared at the two objects of his . . . desire?

When had they become "desire"—rather than subjects of his experiment?

He returned his attention to the young men touching him. Chase unfastened Samson's pants, allowing his erection to bulge through the open fly of his jeans, restrained only by his cotton briefs. Chase fondled his cotton-clad member. Samson released controlled breaths as his pulse quickened.

SAMSON: Curious Boys #3 (Boys of Porn)Where stories live. Discover now