I Don't Care (LS Fanfic)

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Hey this is Jay and this is my first fanfic that I have ever written. I have written a childrens book and had help a company make a childrens book about a dog named Star... she my dog but anyway... I really hope you like this and please don't judge for this being my first fic!!!

I am 13 and live in America and One direction is my life. I am a full on Bullshit Shipper. Total Larry AF. Harry is my mum and Louis is daddy. I'm not very popular in my school and have just a few friends. I have a huge crush on this guy named Eithyn and he's super smart and like my best friend and he cute, funny, and love to tease me. Everyone in our school thinks we are dating and it's hard for me to put a srraight face on and say "NO" to them.

I have 2 loving parents. They've been divorced for 6 years now and now my father is remarried to his 7th wife who is a total bitch and only cares about herself. She didn't feed me 3 times and my grandparents who live on the other side of the state asked if they could take me to go eat. I turned them down but you know what my father did... he was like 'no she wouldn't do that' he always sticks up for her instead of his own sperm.

Both of my sisters are idiots. My sister Brooke has been doing drugs for the past 2-5 years and she has 3 kids. Poor Tucker... when he was born he was known to have seizures do to the drug abuse... I witnessed one first hand and he was only a month old meaning it was on November 30, 2013. After having Tuck Tuck for a day after birth she gave our father temporary custody until she was better or they would be taken away. I understand that they were doing it for the kids sake but the 2 oldest are the worst one ever and I thought and still think I should've had a say in it. Now with only 2 months left with dealing with these rugrats my other sister is saying some rude ass shit about our mom and uncle and my cousins new wife and my sister is a total bitch but isn't everyone!!!!

I know its weird that I'm sharing this but I need people to know....

-Jayden xx

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