Chapter 1

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"Hurry up Chris."

I don't really understand why I'm going to this stupid game. Oh that's right, my best friend made me call in to the radio station to win the tickets and of course I did. Why would any self respected woman want to meet James Trend, the number one man whore of baseball?

I will freely admit that he is good looking and only 29 but there are tons of good looking males in Garrigill, Florida. We might be a small town but we are defiantly not hurting for hot ass. Plus, Miami is like twenty minutes away and there are tons of hotter guys there.

But because I'm a great best friend and I have shitty luck, I'm now getting ready for the opening game for our famous baseball team the Chasers and afterwards we get to go a room and meet the famous James Trend. He's been playing for over seven years and for all those years he has been known for his skills with hitting the baseball and for hitting the sack with every female in the great U. S. of A.

Me, Chrissy Jones, has know James Trend as a man whore for a hell of a lot longer. See, James grew up in our small town and even though I didn't know him personally, because he is five years older than me, I've heard all about it. He still is a legend in our town for his skills in baseball but it's his skill in the bedroom and the excessive amount of woman he had with him that most people our age still talk about.

I'm not a virgin but come on, how could you brag about being one of the hundreds that slept with that man. I don't care if he could give you six orgasms in one night, I'd rather have none than an std, thank you very much.

So here I am getting ready for a game I don't really care for and watch a man I despise, just so my friend can meet him. Mary Joes has been my best friend since birth. We are two months apart and our moms are best friends. I can't remember a holiday, crisis, or special moment that didn't involve Mary and her mom. I've experience everything in my life with my best friend by my side.

After my dad died Mary and her mom moved in with us when I was only ten. We shared a room until we moved out and now live together in a house I bought us. Mary also works for me. I know it sounds like a lot and don't get me wrong we have our fights but I don't think I could function without my Mary. I need her and love her which is why I'm doing this.

I take one more look at my self in my bathroom mirror. My dark brown hair is up in a sloppy bun and my matching eyes are makeup free. I lean in and frown at how noticeable my freckles are. I really don't like them but Mary says they are adorable and just adds to the cuteness that my dimples give me. I pucker my full lips and smile. These are the only thing I truely love about my face. I have the natural pouty full lips that look killer with a dark red lipgloss. I turn slightly and stand up straight. I have a D size chest and a big butt thanks to my Hispanic heritage that I get from my dad but my long legs and heights of 5'9 comes from my mom.

I look a lot like my dad and I think that is one of the things my mom loves the most about me. I use to catch her staring and smiling at me when I was younger and from the dreamy look on her face, I knew she was thinking of my dad.

Mom and dad met when they were in middle school and started dating their freshman year of high school. They got married right after they graduated. Dad was a cop and mom was a second grade teacher. They had the kind of love that was once in a lifetime. Mom never remarried or even went on a date after dad died, fourteen years later and she is still in love with my father. I think it's sweet but I worry she's lonely. Sue, Mary's moms, still lives with mine but I don't think it's the same. Actually I know this because I live with Mary and I still get lonely. There are some things your best friend just can't fulfill that a man can.



I take one more look in the mirror and smirk. I didn't even try with my lack of makeup and the Chaser's jersey I borrowed from Mary. It's two sizes to big and you can barely tell I have shorts on under it. It makes me look bigger than I am but it hides my curves, which is what I want. I don't want to give James a reason to notice me, I want tonight to go perfect for Mary. I debated if I should dress like I usually do to show her what an ass he is but I just couldn't. Instead, I will make sure all the focus is on her.

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