Part 7

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No One P.O.V

All of them looked upstairs and Jimin is the first one who run.All of them followed Jimin and went to The twins room.They opened the door.

And their jaw dropped.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!!" Jimin shouted.

~10 minutes before the incident~

Haerin was laying down playing with her phone.She was waiting for jimin to play with her.

Suddenly a knock sound was heard and Haerin stop playing with her phone. 'Why would Jimin knock?' She thought and shouted come in.

Jungkook on the outside was nervous and breathe in before enter the room.Haerin looked at the door and found Jungkook there.Her eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and Jungkook know she scared as she asked the question while trembling.

"Hi Haerin..Can I talk to you?Please.." Jungkook ask,more to plead.Haerin nodded and sat down,hugging herself as protection.

Jungkook who saw that sat at Dongmin bed,respecting the girl in front of him as he knew that she may still traumatised.

"I know I'm being ridiclous and crazy that night but It's a dare.It's Taehyung dare and I will just said the truth okay.It's Yoongi hyung." Jungkook said starting the explanation.

Haerin was shocked.She nodded,asking jungkook to go on.

"You know how Yoongi hyung ego's right?He make a mistake...and he can't turn it back cause of his ego.He persuade me,saying its our pride and I'm too mad at him and want to take the revenge so I agreed.I can't think that time..I was too mad and you're not helping that night.You look too appealing and beautiful and I'm sorry that I took advantage on you." Jungkook said looking at his lap.

"W-what is t-the d-dare?" Haerin asked.
"Me fucking you and Yoongi hyung do the same to Dongmin."

Haerin looked down.Jungkook started to get nervous as Haerin didn't say anything.He looked at his lap,his eyes become blurred due to the tears that almost run down his cheek.


Jungkook slowly looked at Haerin.Haerin looked at Jungkook and smiled.

"I forgive you.People make mistake and I hope you didn't hold any grudge on Yoongi.I knew that Yoongi failed to do the dare because Dongmin tell me that she escaped from him and tell Minseok oppa about it.So,if I forgive you,would you forgive yoongi?"

Jungkook eyes widened.He stood up and sat in front of Haerin. "Are you sure you are Haerin?!WHY THEY HECK YOU TALK NICELY AND SMILED?!HAERIN SHOULD BE SWAG AND COOL!!!" He said while shaking Haerin shoulders.

Haerin gigled and stopped Jungkook.Her eyes pleading hoping Jungkook will forgive Yoongi.She knew that Jungkook still mad at Yoongi.

Jungkook smiled sadly and nodded.Haerin laughed and hugged Jungkook.Jungkook was taken aback but hugged her back knowing that she forgive him already and she did not trauma anymore.

"Btw congratulations on your relationship with Jimin hyung."He said and Haerin pulled back looking at Jungkook,with her confuse face.

"What the heck are you talking about?"Haerin asked.

"Dongmin said that you and Jimin is a couple..even Yoongi hyung heard it.He went home alone without us."

Haerin eyes widened.She took her pillow and hit Jungkook with it while shouting.Jungkook who was not ready at all fell on the floor.

Haerin sat on his stomach and hit him with the pillow.


Haerin still hitting Jungkook and want to answer his question but the loud bang sound were heard and the both of them looked at the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!!" Jimin shouted.

"I DON'T KNOW!!SHE SUDDENLY ATTACKED ME AND KEEP HITTING ME !!" Jungkook said while pointing his hand at Haerin.

Haerin stood up and threw the pillow at Jungkook again for the last time."IT'S DONGMIN FAULT!!SINCE DONGMIN IS NOT HERE ,I HIT YOU INSTEAD!!HOW DO I TOLD YOONGI IM NOT DATING WITH THIS NO JAMS KID?!" Haerin said while shouting.

All of them looked at Dongmin.Dongmin smirked. "Well,it's a prank for her...Jungkook touched her and the girl that Jungkook supposed to touch is me.I guess a little bit of prank would not hurt."

Everyone jaw dropped.They did not expect that Dongmin would be like this.Haerin gritted her teeth."You better cleaned up this mess girl..before I took your boyfriend and kill him for real."

Jungkook looked at Haerin and gulped.He didn't expect that the twins would be like this.He bet Yoongi would be shocked too if he's here.

Jimin laughed and went to Dongmin,stood in front of her."You better clean this up before this news spread up bitch.If Haerin can took you boyfriend,I can kill you with my own hand." Jimin said make all of them widened their eyes.Never saw Jimin being like this.

Dongmin smirked."Oh Jimin baby,do you think I'm scared of you?Hah hell no.Don't worry,I already think how to clean this shit up."

Minseok and Junmyeon shook their head while the rest went to Jungkook because of tense.

"Dongmin,control your jealousy.Damn lil sis,you like him that much huh?"Minseok asked and Dongmin shrugged. "She is not what you guys think.She is the real savage here and I hate that fact!" Haerin said to BTS and Jimin nodded.

"Hahah,Well Haerin is only good at fashion and study.She is the softie here Junmyeon hyung."Jimin said and laughed while high fiving Dongmin.

"Well she is too similar to Yoongi.They are made for each other." Jin said.Junmyeon made a diagust face "Eww,don't said like that.."

Haerin rolled her eyes.Hoseok chuckled silently but all of them looked at him. "Why are you laughing?"
Namjoon asked.

"I'm still amazed how Dongmin and Haerin is not like what we expect and Jimin being savage.Not to forgot Jungkook here blushing and there's Taehyung stand up,playing with his finger since he cannot talk.Taehyung ah,Say something."Hoseok said and Taehyung flinched.

"Urmm...Haerin-ah...I'm sorry for making the dare.I should not did that..and Jimin-ah,Yoongi hyung really-reallly regret it.I'm sorry that I involved all of you too.Please forgive me."

Taehyung said while looking down.Haerin smiled and went to Taehyung.She hugged him and pat his hair.Taehyung flinched and the other were shocked.

"It's okay Tae..I already forgave you."She said."Damn right.She the real softie here"Namjoon said make Haerin let the boy go.

"Well..."All of them looked at the voice.

"Well...Like I said I already forgave you but..You've the big role to play here so Haerin and Yoongi can be together."

Dongmin said while folded her arms,smirking.

And they started to discuss about the plan excluding Minseok and Junmyeon who don't want to get involve.

And yes,There is Jungkook who still shocked due to Dongmin real personality.Well not only him but all of then except Jimin.And that day end just like that.



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