King x helbram

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King: GAH! How did you get that?!

Me: I have my ways...乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ

Ban: ....

Helbram: King, I'm here to take you back....

King: u-uhhh 0////0

Ban: >:(

Ban: King, why are you blushing!

King: i-i uhh

Helbram: King, I would do anything to be with you

King: (๑♡⌓♡๑)

Ban: * gives helbram the death stare*

King: i-i have a loss of words...

Helbram: Please, king...I love you

King: u-uhhh


Helbram: ....ban...* Grabs Elaine and puts a knife to her throught*

Elaine: BAN!!!  I will let helbram stab me if you dont break up with King!

Ban: GAH!

King: ELAINE NO!!!!!

Escanor: (・o・)

Monspeet: MERLIN!!! NO!!!

Merlin: too bad your my guinea pig

Escanor: Merlin is so cool!

Helbram: make up your minds

King: FINE!!!

Ban: * sigh *

Elaine: (◠‿◕)

Helbram: heh heh hehhehheheh

Meliodas: o snap

Zeldris: I like this

Me: and I like u

Zeldris: ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Helbram: cmon King.

King: ok...sorry ban...

Ban: ಠ,_」ಠ

Me: next I guess

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