Baby, baby, baby.....

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"We are most alive when
We're in love."
-John Updike

The next day the doctor came to visit Mia and give her a check up. Their wasn't much he could really do without being at the office. He urged the guys to bring Mia to his office where he could perform the proper test and even take a look at the baby through an ultrasound. They booked an appointment for the following morning.

"Come on Prince let's go outside," Mia sweetly called out for the pup.
"You're taking Prince out?" Adam asked.
"We will come with you," Alex said before Mia could answer Adam.
"Yeah, we have to keep a close eye on you," Adam informed.
"Yes, your safety means everything." Alex said walking to the door.
Mia scooped up prince and carried him outside. She knew it would be useless to argue with the twins. Plus she didn't mind their company. Mia sat prince down and let him roam around, he lifted his leg on almost everything marking his territory.
Mia felt two arms wrap gently around her. She looked back and it was Adam. Mia kept her head turned and snuggled her cheek against his collarbone. Mia looked back out to prince and he was starting to run away.
"Prince!" Mia yelled, the pup was running full speed.
"Don't worry Mia I will get him," Alex ran after the pup.
"Can we still follow?" Mia asked looking up at Adam. He gave her a kiss, "yeah, just in case something happens."
Mia took Adam's hand and laced her fingers through his.
They came to a stop at the top of a small hill. Alex was knelt down holding onto Prince. Mia began to approach but Alex stood up and signaled for them to wait.
"Mia, angel stay there. Adam come look at this." Alex ordered.
Adam gave Mia a kiss on her forehead, "be right back."
Adam walked up to his brother and in the y'all grass he noticed the baby calf. It had been killed and something feasted on it.
"What do you think it was?" Adam asked.
"Not sure, Connor would probably know." Alex shrugged.
"What ever it was was big enough to drag it here. The cow pastor is well fenced in." Adam pointed out.
"Let's give Connor a ring and get Mia back to the house." Alex suggested.
"Also we should get prince a leash, would hate it if something happened to Mia's pup." Adam said turning and walking back to Mia.
"What happened?" Mia asked seeing a look of worry on Adam's face.
"One of the calves were attacked. It's best if you and prince stay close to the house and try not to go out alone." Adam said wrapping Mia in a strong embrace.
"We just want to make sure you and our babies are safe." Alex stated, sliding a hand on to Mia's belly.
"We will set something up in the yard for prince," Adam began to lead Mia back to the house.
"Just so he doesn't run off and get into trouble," Alex added.
Mia just nodded her head in agreement. She wasn't going to argue with the guys over something that would keep her puppy and unborn baby safe.

That evening at the dinner table, Mia and her eight hot fiancés enjoyed beef stew and homemade buns. Elle sent over the recipe, she said it would be something easy on Mia's delicate stomach.
"So how was everyone's day?" Mia asked. The guys all looked so tired. Except for Adam and Alex who spent the day with Mia.
"I set up a rope in the backyard that you can hook Prince up too." Eli informed her. "Don't want you running after the pup especially when your belly becomes full and round." Eli's expression began to darken. The thought of seeing Mia carrying their babies really turned him on.
Mia nodded and then looked over at Connor, Chase and Cole. "Do you know what happened to the calf?"
The triplets froze and looked at Adam and Alex.
"You let her see the calf?" Connor growled at the twins.
"Calm down Connor, I didn't see anything. The grass was too tall. I promise." Mia assured him.
Connor looked at Mia and his face softened. "Sorry, it was just a nasty sight." He apologized.
"We think it's a mountain lion." Cole said. Connor shoot him a look.
"Connor, I think it's best if she knows. Not to scare her but make her aware of any possible dangers." Chase stated.
Connor clinched his jaw and bowed his head in defeat.
"It was a mountain lion, judging by the claw marks and the size of the bite marks left." Connor shared. "They are the harder then a bear to deal with, I suggest we all start carrying and as much as I hate it even Mia should carry."
Mia didn't understand, carry what?
The guys began to debate Mia carrying.
"She has probably never used one before." Dean argued.
"It would do her no good if she didn't know how to use it." Dave added.
"Yeah but we could show her." Eli chimed in.
"Their might be a time none of us are around and she has to protect herself and our babies." Connor shrugged.
"But when is she ever alone." Adam pointed out.
"How about we just ask Mia if she wants to carry or not." Cole suggested.
All eight men were now looking at Mia.
"Mia do you want to carry?" Eli asked gently.
"I'm confused, carry what?" Mia questioned.
"A firearm." Connor told her.
"A firearm? Like a gun?" Mia gulped.
"Yes, the choice is yours." Eli said, "their are hand guns, riffles and shot guns. Eventually you might want to learn how to use one since this is a large ranch and predators see it as an easy target."
"Can I think about it for a couple days?" Mia asked.
"Whatever you need, we will not pressure you kitten," Dean said with a warm smile.
"All of us will start to carry and the farm hands. Mainly because of the mountain lion problem but also with winter fast approaching bears and wolves tend to come closer to the ranch." Cole informed Mia.

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