Imagine #4

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I curl closer into to Charlie's side in attempt to again some warmth. Charlie's hand finds its way to my hair and he starts to comb through my hair.
"I love you so much babe," he mumbles planting a kiss on the top of my head. I open my mouth to tell him I love him back but before I could Charlie continues to speak. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you as my girlfriend? You are completely and utterly perfect. I just love everything about you. I love your hair, your eyes, your smile, and your nose. I guess I just love your face in general. I also love your how your eyes crinkle and squint together when you laugh. I love how you refuse to curse. I love...." Charlie continues to list all the different things he loves about me. I swear he went on for another five minutes and to be honest I'm positive Charlie thinks I'm sleeping.
"Charlie as sweet as this is, it is really hard to fall asleep when you keep rambling on like that," I tell him looking up from his side. Charlie looks down at me with a face of astonishment.
"You weren't sleeping just then."
"So you heard all that."
"That so embarrassing," he says hanging his head low.
"Well I thought it was pretty cute and just so you know I love everything about you. I'm just too lazy to list everything."
"Oh. I forgot that. I love that you can be a little lazy every once in a while. I also love how-"
"Charlie I get it you love me. Now shut up so I can really sleep this time."
"Okay. Go to sleep sweetheart," he says slinging an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to him. My eyes flutter shut as I snuggle into Charlie's side once again. "I love that you can be a little sassy at times." "Shut it," I command.
"But you-"
"Fine," Charlie grumbles. "I love you."
" Love you too"

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