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T.W.: vomit

"Dee?" Logan asked, crawling to the back of the car where they were living for the time being, "are you okay?"

Dee nodded. In reality, he felt awful. Like he was gonna throw up. His tummy was hurting and he felt all hot.

Logan hummed and felt the five year olds head, "Dee, you have a fever."

Dee just whimpered, burying his face in his pillow.

"Dee, what's wrong?" Logan rubbed his little brothers back.

"My tummy hurts." Dee sniffed, rubbing his eyes.

Logan sighed, "okay, I have to go to work, but at least you don't have school today."

Dee nodded. Logan gave him a quick hug.

"I have go to now, but Virge, Patt, and Ree will be here, okay?" Logan said.

"Okays." Dee whispered.

Logan rubbed the youngest head before leaving to find Virgil.

"Virge, there you are." Logan said, "Dee is sick."

"Like cold sick or flu sick?" Virgil asked, biting his thumbnail.

"Hopefuly just a stomach bug." Logan sighed, "but please keep an eye on him. He has a fever and might throw up."

"Alright." Virgil nodded.

"Also, Remy said he has a friend who's willing to let us stay at their house until we find somewhere." Logan said, "we're going to meet later today, but I wanted to ask you and the twins first."

"I don't mind it, as long as the person is accepting." Virgil mumbled.

Logan smiled, "okay. I have to get to work now. I'll see you later."

Virgil nodded, "yeah."

He watched as his older brother left. Patton was still asleep in one of the tents, so Virgil went to check on Dee.

"Dee?" Virgil sat next to the boy, "how are you feeling?"

Dee groaned, "I don't feel good."

"I know Dee." Virgil ran his fingers through his hair, "do you feel like you're gonna throw up?"

Dee nodded. Virgil gave him a small smile, pulling a bucket closer. Dee crawled into Virgil's lap. The door opened and Patton crawled in.

"Virgie? What's for breakfast?" Patton yawned.

"I don't know." Virgil sighed, "I'll find something. Stay with Dee, okay?"

Patton nodded. Virgil went and rummaged through what they had. He found some jam and bread. Virgil sighed. It would have to do.

"Here Patt." Virgil handed the jammed bread to the boy.

"Thanks Virgie." Patton smiled as he ate his food.

"Dee, are you feeling up to eating?" Virgil asked.

Dee shook his head, "my tummy hurts too much."


Suddenly, Dee grabbed the bucked and threw up. When his stomach stopped throwing up bile, he slumped against Virgil.

"You okay DeDe?" Patton asked.

The five year old shook his head. Virgil hugged him close.

"You'll feel better tomorrow." Patton said.

"I hope..." Virgil muttered quietly.

~~time skip ~~

"I'm back!" Remus announced, throwing open the door with a grocery bag in hand, "and I got stuffs!"

"Hi Ree!" Patton giggled, "what'd you get?"

"Well Logan told me to get toiletries and stuff, I also got some more art stuff so I can sell more, but!" Remus dug around in the bag, "I also got everyone cookies!"

"Cookies!" Patton squealed, "thank you Ree!"

"No problem!" Remus smiled, handing him the plastic carton of cookies, "we can each have two!"

"Okay!" Patton giggled, already eating one.

"You okay Virge?" Remus asked.

Virgil shrugged.

"Wanna talk outside?" Remus suggested.

Virgil nodded and followed Remus outside.

"So what's up?" Remus asked.

"Dee is really sick." Virgil told him, "Logan said it was just a stomach bug but I'm worried. His temp keeps getting higher and he won't stop throwing up."

Remus looped an arm around his little brothers shoulders, "he'll be okay, just give it some time."

Virgil nodded.  He hoped Dee would get better soon.

Remus got inside the car, "Hey Dee, wanna song to feel better?"

Dee nodded, crawling into Remus' lap.

Remus smiled and began to sing.

"I was following the, I was following the
I was following the, I was following the
I was following the, I was following the
I was following the, I was following the

"I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow
And I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red
As strawberries in the summertime."

By the time Remus had finished singing, Dee was fast asleep.

~~time skip ~~ 

Logan was holding Dee when a man walked up to their car.

"Are you Logan Sanders?" The mad asked.

"I am. Are you Thomas Sanders?" Logan asked, Dee curled up in his arms.

"Yep!" The man responded, "and who's this?"

"My youngest brother, Dee." Logan answered, "he's not feeling too well right now."

Dee hid his face in Logan's shirt.

"Poor guy." Thomas sighed, "anyway, Remy said you guys needed a place to stay?"

Logan nodded, "we were evicted from our apartment after the landlord increased our rent by a hundred without telling us. I would have sued... but lawyers are expensive."

"Gosh, I'm sorry." Thomas said, "well, if you got a want to move in for a while if be happy to have you. I have two extra rooms, you can use the kitchen whenever."

"I appreciate this Thomas. When could we move in?" Logan asked.

"Tommorow if you want." Thomas smiled.

Logan gave him a small one back,  "thank you Thomas."

"Anytime Logan." Thomas nodded.

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