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Maybe change is good, but right now I don't feel as if we are changing as much as we are running away from the pain. My parents been having some trouble, and the reason is because well my mom cheated on my dad with one of her co-workers and my dad did the same. It's kind of amazing one day you can be deadly in love with someone and then the next; it's as if that person doesn't even exist. But that's life so I must deal with it. My parent's think the only way to fix their marriage is to get away from Portland and move to Seattle, hoping that maybe there will be a new beginning in Washington. I don't think so, but I'm just a kid; they say, I have no say in our living arrangements. So I must deal with moving to a new house, new school, and making new friends. My parents think I will have no problem dealing with any of that, but then again they don't know me. I've never really had any friends here in Portland, so what makes them think I will get some any in Seattle.

"London, Get up from that seat and help your father and I pack, this junk isn't going to pack itself." My mother yelled from inside the kitchen. It's funny really the way my father and her act as if they didn't just cheat on each other, well really its was about two months ago, but my dad found out about my mother cheating about one month ago and my mother found out about two days after that. So really it just happened, but it doesn't seem to affect them.

"Yeah. Whatever." I said sitting up and grabbing a few empty boxes and heading toward my room. Our house was the biggest one on the block, considering my mother is a neurosurgeon and my dad is a divorce lawyer, they were pretty much made of money. But unlike most kids, i didn't really find having money to be that special. It's just more of a reason to be unhappy about life. But my parents thought it was everything, and they thought everyone should know, as to why we have the biggest house on the block. But I having money didn't really help in the friend department. But who I am I to complain, I didn't really like people. I found most people at my school to be arrogant and a little too attach to their parents money, even though most of the parents blow their moeny on things truly not neccesairy for life purposes.

As I entered my room I couldn't help but a struck of pain hit my heart, I was going to miss it here, in my room. It's where I found myself, the person I'm truly meant to be. The person I want to be. When I was little, I was a totally rich kid, everything in my life revolved around money, and it wasn't until I was in 9th grade were I figured out that life isn't just about the money you earn, it's about how you plan on earning it. And I was going to do something that could truly teach me a few things. So here in these room, I decided I wanted to be a writer. And ever since then that's all I do, I gave up on the idea of money and power and started writing on how much I hate it. And till right now, my life was decent. But then my parent's decided that's not good for them.

"London? Are you packing up your room?" I heard a few knocks on the door and my mother's voice.

"Yeah, Mother I am." I said a little upset that she can't just leave me alone.

"Okay, oh and make sure you take done all those band posters you have and throw them all away, I will not have those god forsaken posters in my new house." She said a little too calmly. My mother has always hated my taste in music, and I can't blame her, my music is a little out there. But honestly my mother hates everything I love. It has pretty much been that way since 9 th grade when I stopped caring about money. But what else am i going to do? Just because she doesn't like it doesn't mean i don't have to either.

"Whatever." I said again not really caring what she has to say. I'm just so tired of her and my father. I just want to move to this new house, I'm hoping it's truly a new start for us. Because i can't deal with this drama anymore, it's just becoming too much for me, and maybe that makes me a coward for being tired of dram, then calling me a coward because I'm not afraid to admit that I'm done with all this nonsense.

In two days, I will be heading off to Seattle, and in two days my new life will begin and honestly i hope it's better. But with all the luck I have, this new beginning is going to be terrible. But what else do i honestly have to deal with.

"Son? Are you packing?" My father questioned entering my thoughts. My father and I had a pretty close relationship, if you considering him leaving for like a weeks every month and coming back and talking to me like I'm his one and only friend. Which isn't so bad, but i think he forgets sometime im his son, not his friend.

"Yeah? What's up?" I question right back.

"Can i come in?" He knocked on the door a few times, not knowing if i should say no or yes, but it's too late.

"Son I wanted to talk to you about the move, I know it must be very confusing but i just want you to know that, life will get better i promise. Once we settle down in Seattle, life will go back to normal." He said with hope in his eyes.

"Yeah Father, but what is normal? You and mother forgetting about the pain or you two forgetting about me again." I paused trying to search his face. "Is normal life, you leaving for weeks and coming back and pretending as if you didn't just leave?" I question more, standing up from my bed and walking toward my window, looking out. What surrounds us outside is hands down the most outstanding view, but I never truly took it all in. Till this very moment, because i knew this would be the last moment I had with this view.

"It's going to get better, Son. Our life is going to change for the better, just wait and see." He said jumped down my throat. "Just wait, this pain you feel isn't going to always be there." But I knew he was lying, I knew he just wanted me to go to Seattle with him, so he would have someone with him. I knew he didn't truly believe anything he was telling me.

"Whatever you say Father." I stated, hoping this would be the last of the conversation. This move would be good, because hopefully it would finally make my parents understand they are no longer good for eachother.

"Oh and son, this new house we are mvoing into has a very interseting back story." My father said, making his way to the door, "I will tell you at dinner, so please this time join us." He smiled a small smile and opened the door and made his way out. I couldn't help but let out a smile laugh, my Father trying to get me to go to dinner, by braving me with old stories.

I already knew what happen, this spoiled white girl ran away from home because her life wasn't good. Like give me a break, i bet she had it easy. Living in a house like that. Tipicol rich people, assuming their lifes are so hard.


"So what's this story you have to tell me?" I questioned my father as soon as we sat down to eat dinner. My father gave me a small smile, grabbing at the mash potatoes.

"Is that why you decided to join us tonight?" My mother questioned, looking up from her pate. "The ony reason you are here, is because you want to hear a story?" She questioned me again, but these time seeming more hurt than her first question. I just simply nodded my head and turned to father.

"Well it was a family of four who lived there before, a mother and father and two daughters. About two years ago, The youngest Violent Day, ran away, her parents have no idea why. And she had like no friends so they didn't have anyone to ask. So the family just wanted to get away. They are pretty torn up about her leaving." My father tries to explain.

I failed to listen after that. I honestly didn't care. I was just hoping for 5 mintues my parents could atleast talk to eachother. Lately they just nod at eachother, and it drives me insane. I am just counting down the days till i can finally be out of this hell hole of both this house and this new one. I just want it all to end. I can't stand it anymore.

I just want to be Gone.

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