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The sun had just begun to set over the dusty hills of the Keyblade Graveyard as Luxu finished explaining his story. His fellow apprentices, the Foretellers who were brought back from the past, shuffled their feet and murmured grimly. He looked upon every one of them in observation. Ira was the leader of the Foretellers wearing the mask of the unicorn. He wore a mane-like wig to match the mask and white robes etched with crystals dangling from the rims and sleeves. Aced, who wore the mask of a roaring bear, was wearing similar garments to Ira and the other Foretellers. His role was to keep their leader in line. A fitting role that Luxu wished had been bestowed upon him. 

Invi wore the mask of the serpent with a hood and a thick scarf covering her delicate facial features. Her role was to keep a watchful eye on the other Foretellers and report their activities to Ira. Even now, she looked from one Foreteller to another, observing them as well as Luxu was. The final Foreteller in the mask of a snarling leopard was named Gula, and he was tasked with finding the traitor before it was too late. Not that it really mattered, Luxu thought with a cruel amusement. The Master saw this coming long before any of them did. 

They all contemplated in cold silence. The winds blew dust around them steadily, the only noise breaking the silence of the Keyblade Graveyard. The various Keyblades that once belonged to fallen wielders were all clustered into four main groups. Four groups, four unions, four Foretellers, four of the five. Luxu himself never owned a union, but in the end, it wouldn't have mattered. At long last, Ira was the one break the silence. 

"This is...most disturbing news." He said slowly. 

"I agree," Aced spoke up. "How could things have gone so wrong so fast? Who is leading the unions, now? Are there any wielders left to fight the darkness?" 

Luxu snickered, then replied, "Well, to answer your questions, there's one group that comes to mind—" 

"Really?!" Gula exclaimed. "There are still wielders left even after the fated war?" 

"Yeah, but these guys aren't particularly fond of fighting for the cause. They actually violated several of the Master's rules and laws just to fend off an old man. One chosen by our Master." 

"What do you mean?" Invi tipped her head quizzically. 

Luxu smiled. "Well, to put it simply, the Master met with this Xehanort when he was just a kid goin' through his training to wield the Keyblade. The Master saw potential in him and met up with him in this world and revealed to him the truth of his actions." 

"And...what does the Master truly want?" Gula asked. 

Luxu turned to him with a gleam in his eye. They mustn't know what the Master truly wants. "'s tricky." 

"Oh for the love of—would you just tell us!" Aced shouted in anger. 

Luxu reached back and scratched his head in mock confusion. "Hmm, I don't remember." 

"Arrgghh!" Aced's Keyblade sprung forth and was pointed at Luxu. "If you don't give us any answers, I'll make them spout from you myself!" 

"Aced, that's enough!" Ira snapped. "We do not need you to make things worse by antagonizing him!" 

"And what about you, Ira?" Aced rounded on him. "You of all people should know and understand the frustration of understanding what the Master wanted!" 

"And you needed to heed the role the Master bestowed upon you!" 

"Really, Ira? And how did that work out? If you hadn't been given the role of leader, none of this would have happened!" 

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your mistrust and arrogance." Ira responded. The two Foretellers looked tenser than a tight rope. If any of them made one move, the tension would snap. Won't be long, now. Luxu thought. As if responding to his thoughts, Ira summoned his intricate Keyblade and took an attack stance. Aced did the same, raising his Keyblade to bring it down upon Ira. 

"STOP!!!" Invi cried out. 

Both Foretellers froze, then turned to face her, whom stood shuffling her feet uncomfortably, but irritated. "Listen to yourselves. It's no wonder the Keyblade War happened; none of you can get along with each other without tearing one another apart! We need to focus on the task at hand." 

"Yep," Luxu agreed. "As much as I'm dying to see your grand duel reenacted, we've got bigger issues." 

"You're talking about the Master..." Ira put away his weapon. 

"Well, not exactly. Remember those wielders I told you all about?" They all nodded. "See, the thing is they're not exactly familiar with you guys and they might end up getting in our way." 

"If what you said about these wielders," Gula chimed in. "especially this...Sora character, they shouldn't be a problem." 

Luxu laughed. "As if! You haven't seen them in action. They are dangerous. And now, they're working together to bring Sora back. If Sora returns, we're in trouble." 

"He's threat?" Aced asked worriedly. 

"Correct. If he gets in the way of what the Master intended, he and his friends will ensue disorder across the worlds. Which is why it's imperative that we summon the Master of Masters to help us quell this threat, and prevent them from reaching this box," He gestured to the intricately carved black box that sat half sunken in the sand next to Luxu's feet. "Or else all is lost." 

"Okay, so how do we bring him back? And what about Ava? I still don't understand why she isn't here with us." Gula queried. 

"She made her choice, that's why." Luxu snapped. Gula flinched, and he sighed. 

"Sorry," Luxu apologized. "It's just that, since the 'Second Keyblade War', I've been a little jittery. And don't worry: Ava is here in this timeline, just unable to help us. Her reasons are unknown." 

"So, if we summon the Master of Masters," Aced pondered. "Then he might be able to help us relocate Ava, and then we can deal with the rest of those traitorous wielders, therefore restoring the balance!" 

Luxu grinned. "You're right on the money. So, you in?" 

"Yes, yes I am!" Aced proclaimed. "For the glory of our Master, and our restored friendship." 

"I will join you, as well." said Invi. 

"Count me in," Gula shuffled his feet. 

Ira placed his hand over his heart and quoted their Master's words: "May your heart be your guiding key.

Luxu couldn't stop an even bigger grin from spreading across his face. "Couldn't have said it better myself." Yes. It's all coming together again. A few bumps in the road, but the Master's wishes will be fulfilled, just as he intended. All we need to do now is eliminate a few false, meddlesome wielders... 

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