Super summer getaway with Luke

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Request: Hello :) your writing makes me super happy, you are so talented! I just wanted to know what's your favourite type of request/thing to write? If it is not too much trouble I would like to request a super summer vacation/secret getaway with Luke? Thank you in advance! Xo

word count: 1.2k

Luke came home one day with the idea of a vacation. He wanted to go anywhere that the two of you could be with no responsibilities. Of course, you told him that the two of you shared a beautiful house with a large pool and gates that allowed you two to not let anyone in if you chose. Plus, Petunia would be able to join the vacation with you that way.

It wasn't that you weren't up for a vacation, but you honestly thought he was kidding the first time. Then he started mentioning it more and more, and you got so busy with your online business that you kind of blocked that part of your conversations out. Ashton texted you a couple of weeks after and asked when you were going to do something so Luke would shut up about it. That's when you decided it was time to look for something that worked for your schedules.

Conveniently, the boys were set to finish recording their newest album in the next two weeks. That meant they'd get a pretty good sized break afterward. You wanted to do something that neither of you had done before. That excluded the beach or somewhere snowy.

You were watching TV when a car commercial came on and an idea popped into your head. A road trip. You started to do some research and then realized that Luke is always on the road. It's his job, so he probably wouldn't enjoy that as much as you.

Then came the idea of renting a cabin for a few weeks. You'd grown up with a lakehouse that your family visited every summer, so why not do that again? Petunia could come, you'd have no agenda, and all the time in the world to relax.
Before even asking Luke, you started to order groceries and snacks you could take with you. It was save having to go shopping when you got there. You chose the delivery dates and texted Luke that you had a surprise for him when he got home. If he didn't want to go then that was okay, at least your pantry would be stocked.

Luke was more than excited. He grabbed your face and kissed you all over, not even giving you a second to breathe. Within an hour, you'd found a cabin on a lake in Washington.  The dates were open, so you booked it and started packing.
Two weeks later you were loading up the car. It was a twenty-hour drive, but flying with Petunia would've been stressful so you and Luke decided to just take the two extra days it took to drive.

Being on the road with Luke was fun. You listening to him sing his favorite songs and occasionally he'd ask Petunia for commentary on the scenery. Then he'd proceed to talk in his "Petunia voice" about what she thought about the pretty trees and mountains.

Even when you switched spots so you could drive, his hand was permanently placed on your thigh. The windows were down so you'd put your hair up but Luke's curls were flying free. Occasionally you had to stop to let Petunia out to potty but more often you had to stop so Luke could stretch his long legs.

The first couple of times, he blamed it on Petunia. He told you that she'd whines or something and he thought she had to go, but when you pulled the car over, Petunia ratted him out by giving you an, "I'm not getting out of this car because I don't have to pee" look.

When you finally arrived at the cabin, you were super excited to spend the next three weeks here. It was even prettier in person. The living room was walled with the biggest windows you'd ever seen, giving the perfect view out to the lake and the trees. The bedroom ceiling was half skylight so the trees that towered over the house could be seen swaying side by side in the breeze. It was the perfect place for the two of you.

Even though the vacation was Luke's idea and you hadn't totally been on board to begin with, you were really happy you planned it. The first couple of days were spent in the hammock that sat just off the patio in the grass. Soft music played in the background while you two lazily made out and cuddled, occasionally singing along if you both liked the song.

Renting jet skis was Luke's next big idea and you were terrified. You refused to drive you own, so you rode behind him and clung to him like a koala bear. Hearing Luke squeal, scream, and laugh was all worth the terror. He was happy.
The two of you made a point to walk along the water with Petunia every night as the sun was setting. It was a good time to get pictures, and a lot of the time was spent trying to get your dog to even put one paw in the water. She wouldn't do it. In fact, one night, she turned herself around and walked all the way back to the cabin. She was waiting on the porch with attitude written all over her face when you got back. Before you started living with Luke, you never believed a dog could have so much personality.

In the almost month you two stayed there, you befriended some locals at a deli and then some more at an ice cream shop. It was a cute little town where everyone knew everyone, and they could've made the two of you feel like outsiders but they welcomed you instead. 

Soon, though, it was time to go home. Luke spent every moment of the last few days as close to you as possible. He mentioned maybe living in a place like this when you two are old and gray. You weren't surprised that this is the kind of place he'd want to retire to, Luke already acted like an old man ninety percent of the time.

On the way home, Luke had pulled over to let Petunia out but he got out of the car too. He came around to your side and tried to squish himself into your lap while the two of you waited for the dog to come back.

"Lu, you don't exactly fit there." You giggle, looking at the way his legs were bent up and his neck was lowered.

"I know, just wanted to come over here and tell you I love you. Also to thank you for planning the best summer getaway. I think we should make it a tradition." Lukes fingers ghost along your lips. He often let his hands roam while he was talking.

"I love traditions." You smile and he leans down to peck your lips.

"Good, because I put an offer in on the house we stayed at," Luke says the words and then before you can process, he's clambering out of the car to open the back door for Petunia.

"Wait, you what?" You turn around in your seat as he buckles Petunia into the dog car seat he bought her.

"The guy who owned the ice cream shop is the one we rented it from, so I asked and he said he'd think about it." Luke shrugs and then walks back around the car to get back in the driver's seat.

"You're crazy." You laugh, shaking your head.


"But I love you, and I'll spend all the summers there with you."


thanks for reading! all of these requests and one shots are also posted on my tumblr, feel free to comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2020 ⏰

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