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I got a notification almost immediately when I saw oliver saying :

Enjoy your time with Oliver xoxo

-Gracy crazy

I frowned in confusion " What are you doing here ? The girls were supposed to come again - I - what is going on here I'm confused. " Oliver smiled and took my hands as we climbed up the stairs completely ignoring me and my sudden outburst.

"OLI ! Help me understand ! " I waved our intertwined hands demanding answers . "You look beautiful" Placing a peck on my lips he shushed me . He once again swiftly ignored my question  making me blush and still confused . It couldn't have been for my birthday, I had never mentioned my birthday.
" thank you "I mumbled.

Oliver pulled a chair for me to sit and he took a seat too . Today we weren't working , we were dining in . Our coworkers and manager smiled at us . They already knew about all this apparently. 

I held the menu in one hand and waved Oli with it to grab his attention making his perfectly done hair fly around from the wind coming his way , he looked effortlessly handsome with just black pants and white t-shirt that was hugging his body perfectly.  I was distracted for a bit until his eyes met mine making me snap out of my daydreams.

"Please , I'm so confused right now ? " I bent my head sideways wanting some explanation . " It's your birthday,  unless you didn't know of course." He replied casually leaving me dumbfounded.

"I know what day it is- I mean how did YOU know ? I don't remember us sharing our birthdays as odd as that sounds " I scratched my head I was smiling now absolutely surprised.

"I saw it when you filled that college form ." He flipped through the menu which he had memerised wholeheartedly from working here . The menu was useless for both of us , we practically had it engraved in our brains .

I throw my head backwards my mouth slightly open "Ahaa" he took great care to such small details , he was great at analyzing and spotting such minor details about everything.  I smiled "thank you , but ...." I trailed "the girls most have known too right ! That's why they took me to have the girls night ? " I stated / questioned. 

All I got from him was a shrug as we both gave in our ordered . I had so many questions  and so many thoughts running through my head. The whole day really caught me of guard and I was just enjoying eveybit of it .

Our orders came back , along with some fine white wine. He had taken a lot of time planning this apparently as the waiters seemed to be reading his mind . " So... I feel really really stupid to not know your birthday while you knew mine all along ... when's yours ?"

He shook his head debunking what I had just said " 31st of August " I nodded , it was a couple months ahead .  I thanked god I didn't miss his birthday or it would have been really embarrassing.  " you know, you're a virgo just like mom" I laughed .

" and that's good ? " he questioned confused . I giggled "there's nothing bad about it , it's just a fact I stated randomly don't mind me ... I'm not really into astrology I just know my sign and my mom's " I shoved some mushrooms to the side of the plate , i hated mushrooms .

" And what's your sign ? " he asked clearly intrigued for some reason.  "Taurus " I swallowed then answered.

"Speaking of mom , I think she forgot she had a child 2 hours away from home.  She didnt text me or call me for my birthday." I sighed , I wasn't disappointed , just puzzled , she never missed a birthday of mine , specially that I was her only child .

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