First Days and Cheaters

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I groaned as the shrill, annoying screech of my alarm clock went off once again. Contemplating hitting the snooze button just one more time, I gave in and climbed out of bed.

I made my way towards the bathroom connected to my room, wincing as I passed by a mirror and taking in the morning mess I transformed into overnight. As I waited for the shower to heat up, I padded over to my closet, thinking over the last two days.

After Saturday's fiasco Drew spent all of Sunday trying to apologize to me. Truth be told, I had forgiven him by the time I had woken up but I wasn't about to give up the eager-to-please servant that had become of Drew.

Fourty minutes later I made my way downstairs to an empty kitchen. Spying a note on the counter, I picked it up.

Had to go out of town last minute. Don't go crazy!

I sigh and crumple up the rushed explanation left behind by my parents and pulled an apple out of the fruit basket.

Sitting down at the kitchen island, I pulled out my phone and began reading my latest find, City of Heavenly Fire.

My timer popped up alerting me that I needed to leave in five minutes and I began packing up my school bag and pulling on my jacket due to the chilly weather that is Michigan's fall.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

"ALEXXXXXX!" Right on time, bro. I turned in time to see Lyle hurdling down the stairs. "You didn't wake me up!" His tone is accusatory.

"Last time I tried to wake you up, you nearly punched me in the face. Of course that was after I spent ten minutes trying to bring you out of the coma you call sleeping."
He just glared at me and made his way outside.

I laughed. "You won't get very far without your car keys, Lyle."

"I'm riding with you today. Figured I'd spend some time quality time with my baby sister."

"One, call me a baby again and I'll run you over with my car, dumb. Two, no you're not. You need to pick up dumber."

"I always said I was the smarter one between me and Drew."

I ignored him and climbed in my car, deciding not to say anything as he got in beside me.

It took Lyle approximately thirty seconds to start annoying me.

"Don't touch my radio! My car, my music." I said as I swatted his hand once again.
"Well then don't play shitty 5 Seconds of Boy Band."

"Take it back! 5 Seconds of Summer is amazing and you will agree or you can get out of my car!"

"You shouldn't even be worrying about the radio. It's distracted driving. I should tell your mother, young lady." I scoffed.

"Yeah, we'll keep touching my radio and I'll tell mom about your porn stash."

"I don't have a porn stash!" He turned to me, eyes wide.

"Then by all means, dear brother, keep touching my radio."

He didn't touch my radio again.


Ah, high school. The idiot-infested jail place that each teenager wastes four years of their lives in. Don't you just love it?

I parked my car containing two of the aforementioned idiots and climbed out, tucking my keys into my bookbag.

Almost immediately Dumb and Dumber are at my side, Drew's arm slung across my shoulders. I shrug him off, my eyes scanning the crowd for Ryder's blue ones. Not finding him, I gave up and head into the building. Just barely crossing the threshold, I was knocked to the side but a flying force.

"You look so cute!" The muffled voice of my best friend says from on top of me.

"I'd look a lot cuter if I wasn't sprawled out on the floor, Sky." She gave a girlish giggle before leaping off of me and pulling me up with her.


"We need to talk." I slammed my locker shut and spun around in shock, my eyes meeting ice blue ones.

"Ryder, hey. I've been looking for you." I leaned in for a kiss but he turned his head and I pulled back, my eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

"Babe, about Saturday..." He trailed off as I looked at him expectantly. "I wasn't exactly sure where that left us."

What the hell does that mean?

Right then Hailey Hooker Adams walked passed, making the meaning all to clear as she winked and blew a kiss at Ryder.

"You slept with Hooker Adams!" I snapped. He just glared at me before dragging me into the nearest janitor closet.

"I told you--" he started once we were alone.

"What? You weren't sure so you go to the closest pair of open legs? Did that clear it up for you, Ryder?"

"Don't you think you're overreacting? Besides I'm sure you and Drew made up some how some way."

I couldn't control myself as my palm swung, slapping him hard across the face.

"Overreacting?" I growled. "Unlike your STD ridden hoebag, I don't sleep with everyone I meet. You said you weren't sure? We'll let me clear it up for you. We're done." With that I flung open the door and stalked out, but not before hearing his response.

"See you in a week, baby!"


Two classes later I found myself numbly making my way towards lunch, my anger faded. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pissed, but the breakup started sinking in, leaving behind a hurt feeling.

Despite Ryder and my frequent break ups, you never quite get used to the feeling of betrayal and disappointment that comes along with it.

I spotted Skylar across the cafeteria and started walking over. As I sat down her eyes flew up to meet mine, looking sad and pitying. Despite the situation, I laughed.

"Don't look at me like I'm some wounded puppy, Sky. So what if my boyfriend cheated on me." Immediately her face changed as she grinned at me and we began eating and talking about the latest gossip.

"No way! Damon is a million times better!" I argued.

"Damon's hot, no doubt. But Stefan's so sweet and compassionate." She said in a dreamy manner.

"But Damian is such a bad boy!" A false high pitched voice spoke up from beside me. I turned to see Lyle beside me and Drew sitting across from him, beside Sklar.

"And what do you think you're doing?" I asked, directing my question towards Lyle as Drew regarded me curiously.

"Ryder's a dick." Was all he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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