Ch. X

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Endless Reunions


"So, are you ready to go see ma' and pa'?" Jess quickly asked just to divert the conversation away from Jaxon.

She knew how much Chloe and Jaxon affected each other on separate occasions, so being the best person she could be, it was at that moment to simmer it down.

Chloe blinked as she smiled, "Yeah, I can't wait to see the look on their faces."

Both ladies gathered their belongings as they left the restaurant to journey off to Harold and Georgia's home. On cue, Chloe looks to her left instantly becoming just a bit on edge as Gemma exited her car making brief eye contact with her.

"Chloe." She removed her shades as she eyed the twenty-four-year-old. "I didn't know you were in town."

She swallowed as she looked over at Jess who was eying the older woman, "Yeah, I'm here for my cousin's graduation."

Gemma nodded making brief eye contact with Jess, "Congratulations to you,"

"Thank you," Jess quickly spoke as she eyed the two women before speaking Chloe. "Let me know when you're ready." She decided upon herself to enter the car slamming her door in the process.

"Can I have a word with you for a second?" Gemma stepped onto the pavement away from Jessica's car as Chloe debated. "Just a minute."

Chloe mustered every bit of coverage she had before placing her purse down and walking towards Gemma.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" Gemma quickly cut to the chase as she became guarded. "You've been gone for five years and now you decided to show up."

"My cousin invited me to something very important to her and I couldn't turn that down," Chloe explained. "I've been away for years and I think five was enough."

Gemma clenched her jaw, "...and if Jaxon was to find out if you were here. What the hell do you expect from him?"

"You think I came back here for Jaxon." Chloe fisted her hands as she wanted to give the woman a good knocker. "Listen, Gemma, if Jaxon and I see each other then it's bound to happen."

"What if he asks you why you left...then what?" Gemma asked catching Chloe off guard. " need to think about how you're going to handle this situation."

Chloe breathed deeply as she folded her arms, "Trust me...he won't get that far." With her final words, Chloe left Gemma as she enters the passenger side of Jess's car.

" With her final words, Chloe left Gemma as she enters the passenger side of Jess's car

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"I don't trust that bitch," Jess said after pulling off onto the road. "After all these years, I still don't like that bitch." She grits her teeth as she hit the steering wheel.

The mood had changed between the two women as Chloe thought about what Gemma asked her. How would she go about answering the millions of questions Jaxon would ask her?

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