Ch. XI

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Open Wounds


"This is so Jessica's fucking taste."

Her mind went haywire...her body had frozen in place...realizing who was standing right behind her.

"Damnit," Chloe whispered under breath as she hurried towards Jess. "Did you invite him here?" She quickly asked her cousin who shook her head. "Why?"

Jess sighed as she gripped Chloe's shoulders, "Calm down...he was already invited before you decided to come here for the week."

Chloe sighed in defeat as she listened to  Brandon and Jaxon talk amongst themselves not realizing she was in the room. Taking in a deep breath and mustering all the courage that Chloe could handle, she turned to face her biggest challenge.


Jaxon's body went completely still as he heard the voice of the one person he wouldn't imagine coming back to Fairsborro. The amused grin on his face slowly drifted downward as his eyes met...hers.


Brandon eyed the two companions before taking the time to walk over to Jess as she took his hands in hers, giving reassurance.

As for Chloe, her mind was frazzled as she took in the appearance of her longing friend, who was still confused as well.

"When did she come back?" He asked himself the question mentally. Jaxon swallowed nervously as Chloe slowly took one step further. "Fuck this."

Jaxon quickly left out the building as Chloe felt a knife stab her in the chest, twisting inside as the blood ran quickly. Looking over her shoulder, Jess quickly excused herself from her dinner party before pulling Chloe into the ladies' room.

"He hates me...I saw the look in his eyes." Chloe quickly rushed out as she paced back and forth. "I...I know he's wondering the fuck I'm doing here."

Jess leaned against the counter as she watched her cousin slowly breaking down.

"Chlo, look at me." Jess touched her cousin's shoulder as she smiled softly. "I know this is very surprising but you have to realize this was going to happen."

Chloe's shoulders sank as she nodded, "I know and I want to go talk to him but...I'm scared of how he's going to react towards me."

Yes, it was true about Jaxon's reaction. He was either going to stay calm and angry or...explode his emotions about the entire ordeal.

"Well, I will give you the advice that our great Aunt Mae use to tell us. You put on them grown woman g-string panties and face the consequences." Jess said, boasting her voice to the heavens.

Chloe snickered as she sighed in defeat, "Well, here goes nothing."


"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Jaxon mumbled under his breath as he paced back and forth. "...out of all the...fucking times she decided to come back."

"You good, Jax."

He quickly turned around as  Brandon stood at a good mere three feet away watching his best friend. Jaxon didn't know what to say at this point wondering if  Brandon knew Chloe was back in town.

"Did you know she was coming back?" Jaxon asked as his body shook to the core. "Did you know all this time and didn't fucking tell me?"

Brandon shook his head becoming slightly annoyed, "I knew Chloe was coming back...because Jess invited her cousin to her graduation."

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