Ch. XV

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Celebratory Affair (II)

Song: Cheers (Drink To That) by Rihanna


"Run that by me again," Clay spoke in a rough tone as he tapped the ash from his cigar. "...because I'm trying to fucking understand the situation."

Jaxon had run his hand through his hair for the millionth time as he, including the pissed members, were processing the news from today's events

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Jaxon had run his hand through his hair for the millionth time as he, including the pissed members, were processing the news from today's events.

A fellow member sat at the end of the table as his body trembled from fear that today would be his day. Behind him stood Victor "Chico" Perez as he held a tight clutch hand in his shoulder, numbing the nerve while holding the barrel of a gun to the man's temple.

He sweated out of fear as he swallowed the large lump, "Clay, you know me and you know I wouldn't play with you like that." Chico pushed the barrel tightly to his temple. "I do not have any connections with the Torrelson family and you can count on me about that."

Clay shook his head as he sighed deeply, "That's not what my informant told me."

On cue, the doors of the meeting room opened as the informant walked through the doors with a sly smirk on her face. The member's face slowly but surely begin to reveal the shock expression on his face.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled under his breath but quickly his air supply was cut short as Chico held his throat tightly. "I-I-I c-can't b-b-breath."

"Chico," Jaxon spoke lazily. "Let the man breathe."

Chico cursed under his breath as he released the member's throat, "It's either I'm killing this fucker or not."

"I'll let you know," Clay smirked as a few members laughed along. "Now, back to business, you see you fucked up when you ran your mouth to this young woman right here."

Stacy "The Spy" Anderson stood by the door still holding the devious smirk on the lips. She remembered being instructed by Clay to befriend the fellow member and to get as much information out of him as soon as possible. With the easy task of a few sex escapades they endured, she was willing to crack the safe open and reveal to Clay the member's betrayal.

"Explain because when you're done then...Jaxon..."Clay turned his attention to the quiet man. " going to decide your fate and you know his dealings."

The frightened member made eye contact with Jaxon who held a stoic look on his face as he began to think of ways for Chico to carry out the punishment.

"Explain." Clay smoked his cigar as he, along with the rest, begin to listen.

The member breathed deeply as his expression begin to unveil, "I was offered a decent amount of money by Torrelson." He swallowed nervously. "I had to either tell them the location of the guns or they would've kidnapped my sister."

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