Basel Calice - Age: 13/Gender: Male/Sexuality:Gay/Siblings:One younger sister, a dead older sister, a deceased twin brother, and a older Agender sibling/Health conditions: Anxiety and depression/Status: Alive
Charlie Calice - Age: 11/Gender: Female/Sexuality: Pansexual and polyamorous/Siblings:Older brother, older sister, a deceased older brother, and a older Agender sibling/Health conditions: Broken arm/Status:Alive
Milo Calice - Age: 14/Gender: Agender/Sexuality: Asexual/Siblings: A younger brother, dead younger brother, a younger sister, and a dead older sister/Health conditions: None/Status: Alive
Lillian Calice - Age: 19/Gender: Female/ Sexuality: Lesbian/Siblings: Two younger brothers, a younger sister, and a Agender sibling/Health conditions: None/Status: Dead
Levi Rogers - Age: 15/Gender: Male/ Sexuality: Aromantic/Siblings: Two dead brothers and one Agender sibling who is missing/Health conditions: None/Status: Alive
Kai Rogers - Age: 13/Gender: Agender/Sexuality: Bisexual/Siblings: Two dead brothers and an alive brother/Health conditions:???/Status: Missing
Luka Andrews - Age: 11/Gender: Trans Female to male/Sexuality: Demisexual and polyamorous/Siblings: None/Health conditions: Allergic to peanuts/Status: Alive
Vivian Carter - Age: 19/Gender: Female/Sexuality: Lesbian/Siblings: One Pangender sibling and one dead brother/Health Conditions: Depression/Status: Alive
Emerson Carter - Age: 11/Gender: Pangender/Sexuality: Pansexual and polyamorous/Siblings: One sister and a dead brother/Health conditions: None/Status: Alive