Chapter 66

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Author's POV 

As the young royals bowed and were about to walk out of the King's chamber . The old King stopped Zoba , he eyed his wife and gestured her to give some privacy to them . The Queen smiled and bowed before walking out with her children . Hanuel hugged her Mom's arm , talking about how excited she is about the coronation party . 

Hoseok gazed at the chamber one last time before teleporting in his room . He threw away the vases and shields which were on the table with a groan . " Why he's here......ugh.....shouldn't Dad hate him ? Shouldn't Hana loathe him ? Shouldn't mom feel disgusted at him ? Why they are not pitying that bastard ?" He plopped on the bed and ruffled his brown hair . 

" Because he have nothing like you have ." He stopped as soon as he heard her voice , once he raised his head , his gaze landed on the beautiful woman standing infront of him . " Mianhe your highness ......I'm here to lit the candles .....It's getting darker out . " She spoke softly . 

Hoseok frowned and gestured her to do whatever she was here to do . He fiddled his fingers before parting his lips to say something to her but nothing came out . He cleared his throat and sighed before speaking , " What do you think ? Am I wrong ? After what he did to Asylvia , my sister and brothers .....not to forget how he offended our Dad .....shall I forgive him ?" He's eyes fixed on the woman . 

She lowered her head thinking what to answer

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She lowered her head thinking what to answer . First of all she wasn't in the place to advice the crowned prince , secondly she wasn't that educated to even speak and open up her thoughts with the future king of Asylvia . But somewhere , her morals were asking her to speak for the rights . " Your highness ...." 

Hoseok's ears perked hearing her soft voice . " Each pain makes you stronger , It helps to grow and learn something , each betrayal more intelligent , every disappointment ....more skillful and each experience ....more wise . I know how you are feeling , seeing your step brother coming and taking your rights.....but have you ever thought how he felt ?" She asked before lighting the last candle . 

" He was all alone .....all these years without mother , father or shelter above his head . Have you ever thought he cried when he was hungry and when he was sick ? You had mom dad  and sister when you needed them but he......." She finally raised her gaze , Hoseok was taken back by seeing her eyes filled with tears . " Solitude ." 

Hoseok balled his fist , he was so mad that he never put himself in Zoba's shoes . " Have you ever imagined how he felt when he saw his so called dad happily living with his family while he was deserted to die among wolves . " She stepped closer . " Abandoned .

" Have you ever imagined how he felt when he have to sleep in cold caves and cry in his sleep , missing the warmth of someone own , have you ever thought how it felt when he woke up from a nightmare ....only to see darkness and hear silence ?" She scoffed at gazed at the shocked Prince . " Loneliness ."

" Seeing parents holding hands of their kids and enjoying every festival with their life filled with lights , happiness and love ....where as he's life was just void of any emotion . When he tried to smile he need to think what he should be happy of ? His life or his fate ? " She took a deep breath , " Pathetic .

" Being adored , taken care of , money , prosperity , fame ......he had nothing . Living like a worm in that underground cave , thinking about why he's parents left him in the first place and planning about vengeance all his life can you expect that he'll be normal ? No one gave him that feeling one gave him the chance , the warmth to act normal . Living in darkness , he just learnt and reflected what he saw there ..." She smiled bitterly , " Darkness .

" Your highness.......he never had anything and still you are jealous and mad at that pathetic man ? He's just a nobody in this whole Asylvia ......besides forgiveness is the final form of love ..... Love is the trait of human , their humanity and without humanity ....he's no less than an animal ." She fall on her knees and sighed , " Mianhe.....I know I don't have any right to lecture you .....your highness but please keep in mind ......A weak can never forgive someone ...forgiveness is the attribute of strong ." She smiled and looked at him . 

" How can you not forget him ? I thought you were the strongest person after Princess Hanuel can you think something so low..." She covered her mouth and got up , bowing multiple times . Hoseok tilt his head while processing what she said . " Forgiveness doesn't change the past but it surely enlarges the future ...." She smiled . 

" are asking me to forgive Zoba ?" He asked placing his leg on top of his other and rubbed his chin while thinking if he should really listen her . 

" I don't want you to step in the path of darkness ......that's why I came to light your room ....I don't know what you'll decide after all I said ....but I trust you , your highness ."  She smiled cutely making Hoseok smile back . He nodded and gesture her to stand straight . 

" Okay I'll think about it ......but one in the whole Asylvia knows all these and especially when it's yet to announce that Zoba is our step brother come you know ?" He asked as his smile faded away and eyes glowed green . The girl lowered her head . 

" Your highness....I have the power of empathy .....This is what I felt when I bumped into Princess Hanuel this morning , she was thinking about this . If she can forgive him then why not you ?" She whispered . " I didn't mean to know all this ......I just can't control my powers yet when I bumped I gained this information and felt bad for Prince Zoba ." She smiled awkwardly . 

" Ohh.....I see - " Hoseok got interrupted by Yoona calling out for her . 

" Nara -ah ? Nara-ah ....uhh ? Nara-ah ? What are you doing in Prince Hoseok's chamber ? Didn't I send you to search for Princess Hanuel ? It's her bath time already .....ugh,.....that girl really makes me worry ...." Yoona groaned . " Nara-ah please come with me now ." She ordered . 

As Yoona was the head maid and Hanuel's lady in waiting , no one dares to refuse her . Nara smiled at Prince one last time and bowed before running behind the orange mana bearer . Hoseok was moved the way she confronted him and made him realize how wrong he was . 

He smiled like an idiot and stood on the balcony staring at the orange evening sky . Although it wasn't Nara's own thought but he really felt it and her words directly pierced his heart . He smiled and raised his hand to cover his eyes . He was glad that someone stopped him from stepping in the wrong side . 

" She's right ......holding on to the anger is like holding on to the anchor and jumping into the sea ." He smiled and stepped back towards the bed . He laid on the bed and smiled while staring at the ceiling blankly . " If you don't let it'll die ." He smiled closing his eyes . 

*************End Of Chapter 67 

Thanks For Reading . See You Later In Next Chapter ^ ^ 

I didn't thought I'll extend another chapter but I guess I needed to make this for a proper end of this book . And be happy as there's still the 2 chapters left . So don't forget to Vote and comment . Support me with your love . 

Saranghae ~ 

- Charil Meng . 

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