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"Wha-what the hell?!" Jin-Woo quickly turned around and ran for his life.

There was no time to deliberate on things. If he wanted to live, then he had to run away! That was the only thought running through his head. However, even before he had taken several steps, another pillar of sand exploded upwards not far from his position. Jin-Woo fell backwards from the powerful shockwave.

He rolled on the sandy ground before urgently getting back up. He wiped the sand from his face before his eyes widened even more than before. This time, it wasn't just one or two of them. Before he knew it, there were seven sand centipedes sticking out of the sand, and they were all glaring at him.

As the centipedes let out shrill cries, Jin-Woo's complexion changed for the worse.

"God damn it..."

He started running again, being followed by the seven sand centipedes. Belial was not going to follow Jin-Woo at first, but for some reason he changed his mind, as if he was a little worried about the human's safety. Although the demon might be worried, he didn't help Jin-Woo, he just looked at him and never did anything to try to help him escape from the centipedes. This place was Jin-Woo's punishment for not completing the daily quest, so he must do his best by himself or else he wouldn't get stronger.


Exactly when the four hours passed, Jin-Woo reappeared at the hospital. He collapsed to the ground and gasped painfully, his mouth feeling full with this rough, grainy taste. His eyes were also very itchy, apparently as if particles of sand had entered them. Jin-Woo wheezed and groaned for a long time, before falling helplessly onto his back. He had no energy left to move even a finger.

"Just... What was that...?" Jin-Woo continued to pant heavily as a new message appeared before him.

You've completed the 'Penalty Quest.'

Jin-Woo's expression crumpled into something unsightly.

A 'Penalty Quest'? Did he do something worthy of being punished?

Suddenly, he remembered the words of that strange man, the things he said about not completing the daily quest. The reason why Jin-Woo was sent to that place was because he ignored the daily quest, if he listened from the beginning, he would never have to go to that kind of place.

"This is way too much..."

The so-called penalty turned out to be him being throwing into a damn execution ground! At the same time, another ominous premonition rushed into his mind. If this event was indeed caused by the 'Daily Quest' thing, then without a doubt, this would not be the last time.

"Hey... what's your name?" If Jin-Woo wanted to strike up a conversation with the handsome man, he needs to know that man's name first.

"Belial, the demon prince of Jinnestan. Commanding 80 legions of demons, ruling over the northern reaches of Jinnestan."

"Demon Prince?!" Jin-Woo repeated in surprise, not expecting that this man before his eyes was a demon, much less a prince.

"Why so surprised, in this world everything is possible. Even heavenly beings exist in this world." Belial bluntly confessed.

Jin-Woo didn't know what to say, he still found everything too hard to believe and wanted to avoid receiving another punishment. Just as he was beginning to relax a bit, he heard another mechanical beep sound in his head. Jin-Woo flinched in surprise, but luckily, it wasn't another quest or anything like that.

Rewards for completing the Penalty Quest is now available. Would you like to confirm the rewards?

The word 'rewards' jumped right out. Too bad, the problem was that he currently had no energy left to confirm this and that. His situation simply did not allow for that.

Contract Of Souls I Sung Jin-WooWhere stories live. Discover now