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RuPaul started a new conversation

RuPaul added Nicki Minaj

RuPaul added Jennette McCurdy

RuPaul added Louis Thomlinson

RuPaul added Kylie Jenner

RuPaul added Khloe Kardashian

RuPaul added Rob Kardashian

RuPaul added Matt Bennett

RuPaul added Elizabeth Gillies and Daniella Monet to the groupchat at 10.45 am

Nicki Minaj:
What's with the groupchat?

As you all know, I love Kenna with my entire heart

Jennette McCurdy:
We all love her RuPaul,
What's your point?
(Also, love your work so much)

Thanks, darlin'
But this concerns Kenna and I don't want to tell her just yet

Louis Thomlinson:
What's your information on Kenna, RuPaul?

Well, I saw Mr Jogia,
In the street, holding hands with a girl that's not our dear Kenna

Khloe Jenner:
Who is it? I swear I will make their life hell

Let's not get to drastic measures, my dear,
But, the girl was Ashley Benson

Kylie Jenner:
I always knew she was trouble,
But why's Harry not in this groupchat?

RuPaul: I don't want him to make trouble, I already know the boy loves her so much he'd do damage to Avan

Khloe Jenner:

We've known that for years,
Neither of them admits it

Jennette McCurdy:
I swear, when I get my hands on Jogia he's gonna regret it

Nicki Minaj:
How are we gonna tell Ken?

Matt Bennett:
As much as I love you RuPaul, I don't see any proof
I know Avan, he's a good guy he wouldn't hurt her

Here's my proof darlin'

Jennette McCurdy: They look pretty comfortable together don't they?

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Jennette McCurdy:
They look pretty comfortable together don't they?

But someone needs to break it to her gently

Louis Thomlinson:

Kylie Jenner:
Why are you saying whoops?

Louis Thomlinson added Kenna Jenner to Avan and Kenna's Relationship

Kenna Jenner:
Wait, why is this groupchat titled that?

Darlin' you might want to sit down,
And scroll up

Louis Thomlinson: I swear if it's true, I'll kill him

Kenna Jenner:
I don't know what to think,
He has been distant lately since my friendship with Harry started again

Louis Thomlinson:
He might just be hanging out with her, we don't know

Kenna Jenner:
I thank you for letting me know,
But try to keep this between us for a while until I talk to him about it

Will do lovely,
Always here if you ever need anything,
Remember that darlin'

Kenna Jenner:
Thanks, RuPaul,

Daniella Monet:
Always here Ken

Kenna Jenner:
Thanks, Dani,

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