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Jassi's pov
We were sitting in Mahi bhai's room. To say the rooms atmosphere was grim . Rohit bhaiya and Mahi bhai was blank , jinks bhai , bhuvi bhai , shikhar bhai, Jaddu bhai and ash bhai were the same looking lost and upset.

First time I have seen all my big brothers this broken. They have always been strong for us in every situation but now it was like someone have suck their soul out of their body. We youngsters weren't different Kulcha was crying, Harry is eerily silent sitting in the corner , Rahul looks lost and I just want to cry.

I can't believe we have done this to Virat bhai. Acted like such a brainless idiot and hurt Virat bhai. We have broken him to such a extent that he doesn't want to see our faces.

But now I guess we have to be strong for our seniors , They have always supported us    but now it's our chance . I signal Harry to go to Mahi bhai, yuzi to Ro bhai, Kuldeep to jinks , shikhar bhai ,   Rahul to Jaddu and ash bhai and they all got my plan and I went to bhuvi bhai.

They have been with Virat bhai since really long time much more before us. In only 4 years we have got so much attached to bhai so I can imagine what must be going in our big brothers mind.

It all started a month........

so guys back after along time. Thought to change a plot little bit because it's always seniors consoling juniors so I guess it's time for juniors to  support the seniors. Tell me how it is 🙏🏻🙏🏻😇😇🙏🏻

And don't worry suspense would soon be over 😉

Until then byee

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