Chapter 16 - Maya's Big Surprise

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Thursday, 7 February.
It was one week until not just Josh's birthday but also Valentine's Day which was both a big deal to both of them.
It would be their first celebration together and as much as they wanted to do something very big due to the date they couldn't go too big.
But Maya was burning to talk to Josh about something she should have long ago.
Okay, maybe a few hours but it is still very important.

It was late the afternoon and Josh came through the door of the apartment.
He and Maya moved into his own he originally got when he moved in but Maya knew that wasn't going to last very long.

"Hey, Gorgeous," Josh said giving his wife a kiss.
"Hey, Boing. We need to talk. I have something I need to tell you," Maya said and Josh sat down next to her.
"Okay, Mrs Boing. What do you have?" Josh asked and Maya showed him a pregnancy test.
"Are you..."
"Yeah, I'm pregnant. We're gonna become parents," Maya said and Josh embraced her.
"Josh, did you hear what I just told you?" Maya asked as she pulled away.
"Yes, and even though we didn't plan this next part of our lives, I'm happy to start it with you," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"We're having a kid," Maya said.
"You are going to be a fantastic mother. Other than your own, you'll be there for your child and I know that. Our lives are starting," Josh said giving Maya a passionate kiss.

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