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"Kong are you ready? Arthit will be here at any moment." Tutha shouted from the living room. Kong got discharged before a month and he started to live in Tutha's place. Now he fully recovered physically, so to gain his memory back the doctor advised him to visit the places where he used to live. After got out of the hospital he learned many things about him. He used to live in Thailand with his mother, he was an actor and he has a stepfather and stepbrother. Even after all this information, he felt something was missing in his life but he couldn't find out what it is. No one ready to give a single hint about that but he can sense that everyone hiding something from him.

"P' I am ready" With that Kong came out from his room with a smiling face. Today he is flying to Thailand with Arthit and he is going to meet his family. So he was beyond happy and he have the gut feeling that he can get the answers for his questions once he reached Thailand.

"Ok, let me make a call to Arthit"


"Ok... Be careful no one should be around when we are visiting except the nurse and Nin. Am I Clear?"

"Yes Leader... Will make sure that"

"Mmm and ask Bright to be ready with the documents, once we reached we are going to transfer all the properties to Kong's Name. I spoke to his father as well, he is too waiting for that. So we have to make it as soon as possible"

"Ok Leader... Sure"

"And one more thing"

"Yes Leader"

"Don't call me Leader.... This is my last warning if I heard one more time the word Leader from your mouth, you will not have your tongue to pronounce any words. Hope it should understandable to you" Mike gulped before replying.

"Mmm Yeah"


"Yeah Arthit, its clear" Arthit smirked before hang up and he got out of his apartment with his luggage. While locking the door his phone started to ring again, he picked it up in irritation.



"What?" Tutha stared at his phone because of the grumpy reply.

"Arthit don't tell me that still, you are in bed, I will chop your butt if you said that" Tutha shouted out of his lungs.

"Aaaa.... What the heck.... Why are you shouting all the time?"

"First tell me where the hell are you?"

"I am started from here.... Is he ready?"

"He was ready even before an hour.... He is not lazy ass like you"

"Thanks for your compliment.... Come down I'll be there in five minutes" With that Arthit hang up the call, he didn't even bother to hear Tutha's reply. Tutha let out a frustrated groan before dragging Kong out of the apartment. As Arthit mentioned he reached within five minutes.

"Get in guys... we don't have time" Arthit hurried. They both settled themselves in the car, Kong was in the passenger seat while Tutha took the back seat.

"If you woke up a little bit early we don't need to be in a hurry, do you know that?" Tutha asked while fuming.

"You know right I love my sleep a lot to woke up early" Arthit answered coolly.

"More than Kong?" Tutha blabbered in the flow. Arthit stepped on the break suddenly because of his friend's stupid words.

"Aaa...." Kong hit his in the front mirror.

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