his voice

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Heiwajima shizuo loves Orihar Izaya but that face and that voice he love's is very much but he couldn't help but hate the noisy chatter that comes out of his lips that's why he's determined to take away that voice hey shirna how do take away a voice what's up shizu-chan today you're so docile today is different so what business do you have with me shizuo said so as shizuo said that he took izaya's knife I hate that annoying voice I know that such a thing what Should I kinda like you everything about you Except that voice so as shizuo said that he took the knife and put it to izaya's neck it might hurt a bit but bear with it after that he didn't come to school 4 a while i heard from shiruo your wounds already healed were you

Avoiding me hey izaya so it's Bandage huh take it off it's a scar from the last it's all it's so

enthralling very shizuo licked izaya's neck sorry it must have tickled just a little more with out your voice I can love everything about you and a quite izaya is cuter and not being able to hear that voice anymore it' s a pity found you were in this sort of place searching for you again and again takes a lot of effort you know hey say something i said as i hit him in the face oh oops I forgot You can't talk but you're at fault too after I Actually fell in love with you you didn't do nothing but run away you say you love humans don't you. it's quite that you lost your voice so shizuo thrust into him Izaya tried to scream but nothing came out so shizuo keep thrusting into Izaya you're quite even if do something like this shizuo keep thrusting into him and Izaya keep trying to scream but nothing came out every time he tried don't suddenly squeeze so hard oh look who came in kadota com on let's go together dota-chan Ah but my job Awww we'll go tomorrow really it's a promise yrah i look forward to it but he  didn't even show up . in my direciding oh that really annoying that voice Eh why am i crying no no no no no no no that's not it i hated you having fun with others and hearing your happy voice directed someone other than me i only wanted yo to look at me. shizuo took one last thrush into izaya s-s-shizu-chan izaya said he did it he talked shizu-chan i-i-izaya shizu-chan k-k-k-kiss m-me izaya said as shizuo kissed. so when izyay was done having sex thry went home and went to sleep but before they went to sleep they both said that they love each other and fell asleep in each other arms

i hope you liked it i know it was short but it was my first story i made on wattpad so bye guys ;D

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