What are you doing?

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"Cas, you can tell me anything. You know that." Dean says soothingly into my ear. "Yes, Dean. I know. I just... There's some things I can't tell you."

I should tell him, I know I should. But I just can't Charlie Bradbury, my best friend since God only knows when, is the only person who knows about this. I know I can trust her.

Dean gets off the bed & kneels down in front of me, his hands on my knees. "Dean, what are you doing? Just go back to your room. Please" I try to plead with him, without success.

"Cas, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Dean whispers quietly staring directly into my eyes.
"Dean?" "I told Charlie, and she's been telling me to 'man up and tell you' but I couldn't find the right words or the time to say it" he's avoiding something now...

"Dean what are you talking about?" "Cas I-" my phone starts vibrating, cutting Dean off mid sentence. Muttering under my breath I grab my phone. "I swear to God if that's Ruby again I'm gon- Oh" "Not Ruby I take it" Dean says, sounding a little annoyed.

{Hey Cas, So Dean wants to tell you something important tonight he wanted me to wake you up before he goes into your room -Queen of Moons}

"Dammit Charlie" I don't bother to reply. Instead I look at Dean directly and speak, "So what's this 'something important' you want to tell me?"

What he does shocks me beyond belief. Instead of saying something stupid like expected, he cups my face and pulls me down to his level. I can't speak "you don't know how much I've been waiting to do this, Cas" he says roughly before closing the space between us. Crushing his lips to mine. I don't know what to do.

Okay that's a lie, it's more like I don't know what to do first. Before I get a chance to respond with anything, he pulls away. "I'm so sorry for doing that. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so-" "Dean. Shut up" I didn't expect to say that, but it fits with the situation.

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