Could Mosquitoes be even MORE DEADLY?

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Like I said: This isn't for soft, or easily triggered people. But, my theory is, could any world power actually utilize mosquitoes as a form of biological warfare? When you look at the facts already known about these little pests, then you would think, "definitely". Traits of the female mosquitoes are:



-Holder of some of the world's deadliest diseases

-Able to easily pass on those diseases to her victims

-Able to breed millions of babies in a single egg laying

-Able to survive an entire lifespan while carrying these diseases

-Passing these diseases to their babies to carry and spread

Without a doubt, mosquitoes could very well be used for biological warfare. I'm not trying to scare anyone, but you should at least keep the possibility in mind. Think about it:

Why would anyone say that getting bitten by a mosquito, almost an everyday occurrence, be considered "assassination"? 

This is, without a doubt, the greatest evil that could occur, should this theory actually become a possibility for the future. With the facts we already know, plus with the level that science is at, it's every bit a possibility. Scientists have already been conducting experiments on mosquitoes: Letting themselves be bitten, pulling them apart, injecting them, and it's that last one that we need to be wary of.

There have been reports about scientists injecting the mosquitoes with toxins that would eventually, keyword EVENTUALLY, kill them off. And, another thing that is driving me nuts about this, is environmentalists are actually getting all up in arms about defending the little bastards! And, do you know what their "strongest" argument is? POLLENATING PLANTS!!! OMFG! Are they insane? Mosquitoes kill thousands to millions of people every year, and those people want to defend them. And, "pollenating plants" is NOT a strong argument. Like there aren't at least three other different species of insects that do the same thing.

Don't mind the fear mongers that say: "Our entire ecological environment will fall apart without mosquitoes". No it won't. That's just the enviornmentalists trying to scare people into siding with them, even though the same people that they are feeding that fear to, ALREADY HATE MOSQUITOES.

Alright, scenario time:

The government doesn't tell anyone of their plans to use mosquitoes as weapons. The UN is against biological warfare, hence the "hush-hush".  They study trade routes with other countries. They plant millions of mosquitoes and their superpowered babies onto shipments: Planes, vehicles, boats. When the shipments are unloaded and opened, the mosquitoes fly free, biting everyone and every animal in it's sights. The first epidemics spread, at first slow, but then keep insanely increasing. Then, the diseases spread from person to person, infecting everyone. Even medical staff are not spared. It continues to spin wildly out of control, despite a few scientists doing what they can. Eventually, all life in the infected area will cease to exist. The country that instigated this horrible atrocity will kill off the mosquitoes with some specialized bombs dropped from planes. Everyone, every animal, every insect is dead. And all that's left after bombing the mosquitoes, is for the offending country to move in, and reap the spoils. Eventually, the offending country will be found out, but everyone will be too terrified to go against them. The only thing left to do, would be relinquish all world power and control to the offending country, and new era of terror will be all that's left.

Let me know your thoughts on this theory. And please remember that I didn't write this to scare anyone. But at the same time, you can't ignore that is also a very real possibility in this day and age. 

Just a theory, mind you...Where stories live. Discover now