no one ever died for my sins in hell as far as I can tell.

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You stand in the crowded living room full of topless girls and drunk people. where's the drinks? you needed one if you were gonna make it through this party. you would prefer to be under the bridge, spray painting by yourself but your boyfriend Anthony forced you to come. you shove your way through the crowed grabbing a drink while your at it. the drinks here taste like ass but its better than dealing with this shit sober.
"Hey baby." Anthony grabs your waist. "dance with me." Great, he's already drunk.
"I dont really feel like it right now." you explain. He clenches his fists and you can see him getting angry. "Okay, I'll dance."
"Good kitten." You wince at the nickname, you hated it. He always used it to manipulate you. You zone out and let him do what he wants because if you don't he'll get mad and you dont want to deal with that tonight. your eyes wander over to Amanda and Jimmy, they're shitfaced but at least Jimmy is good to her. He looks up at you and you quickly snap your focus back to Anthony.
"What are you looking at baby?" Anthony asks.
"Don't lie to me." he growls.
"I said nothing."
"Slut! I said dont lie to me!" he yells and wraps his fingers tightly around your wrist.
"Sorry.." No one really seems to care they're too high off cocaine and god knows what else. You zone out after that, you found it's really the only way to get through his bullshit. You look around for Jimmy but he's gone, he probably took his girlfriend down to his room. After Anthony is done yelling he goes somewhere else in the house so you take the opportunity to leave, You go under the bridge. On normal friday nights the punks usually have fires under the bridge but since Jimmy threw a party they're all there instead. You walk over to the spot where you keep your bag and pull out the spray paint from it. Painting was your way of coping since no one really cared about your problems.
"Whatcha doin there?" A male voice asks, You spin around only to see Jimmy.
"What are you doing here?" you gasp.
"I could ask the same Chica."
"I needed a break."
"Yeah. Me too." He winks.
"I thought you were with your girlfriend."
"I thought you were with your boyfriend." he shrugs.
"To answer your question, My girlfriends being a bit of a bitch right now."
"She's just too much when she's drunk."
"I get that." you put the spray paint back in your bag not wanting anyone to watch. He doesnt question it. "My boyfriends being a dick."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." Then his phone rings.
"Hello?" He answers. "Oh, Hey babe." he pauses. "Okay, Okay. Alright relax, I'll be there soon. Okay. Bye." He hangs up. "sorry I gotta go."
"It's fine."
"See you around Chica."
"Bye." You sit in the ripped armchair that Dean left there. That was your first time actually talking to him the most you've done before that is make awkward eye contact with him.
You decide stay until the others come back from the party, the bridge is the meeting spot for everyone. You go there before parties, after parties and after school. Unless theres a party you'll always find the Punks under the bridge or at 7/11, thats just how it is. Once you see Tommy and Anthony you choose to leave. Tommy is Anthony's Friend and he's not a good person, no one really likes him unless they're asshole's too. Tommy likes to pick on you a lot for some unknown reason so you do your best to stay out of his way. You head home but go through your window because if you go through the door your mom will yell at you. Your bed looks so comfy you dont even change you just flop down and drift to sleep, glad to be able to escape from life for a while.

*************** time skip *****************

You wake up and slip on a clean pair of jeans and a Nirvana shirt then go downstairs for breakfast.
"jesus finally your up. Why'd you sleep for so long brat?" your mom smacks your head and sits at the table.
"I was tired."
"oh boo-hoo. Go." she points towards the door.
"huh?" You sigh.
"you heard me. go, get out of my sight." She gets up and stands by the door.
"Can I at least eat first?"
"No. Get out."
you roll your eyes, "why?"
"Because your being a brat!"
"You overslept. do you know what that means?" she raises her voice.
"Dont play dumb!"
"I'm not."
"Mom I wasn't smoking weed."
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She chucks her empty beer can on the floor.
"Fine." you get up and walk out the door. she flicks the back your neck and you spin around and glare at her. "I wont be back until late. Dont wait up for me."
"Your curfew is nine!" She yells.
"Fuck off!" you flip her off and head to 7/11.
"Hey Chica!" Jimmy greets you.
"Hey." You give him a small smile.
"whats up?"
"Nothing really."
"Same. I'm pretty bored."
"Me too."
"Want to get a redbull?"
"Sure." He takes you into the dirty 7/11 building and buys you a redbull. "Thanks."
"No problem Chica!" He pats you on the back. "My girlfriends here so I'm gonna go see her."
"Catch you later." he smirks then disappears. Everyone just chills at the small, ghetto corner store for the day, no one minds staying there everyone just sits and talks. Later you go back in to get a snack because you didnt get breakfast. While you wander the isles you witness Jimmy and Amanda making out on the floor and making a mess of the TikTacs, you get hit with a ping of jealousy. You wish you could have a boyfriend like him, He actually knows how to treat someone. You let them be and checkout with a small bag of chips. When you get outside Rory is blasting misfits and sitting on the hood of is car along with Mike and Dean, you walk over and join them.
"Hey guys!" you grin at them.
"Oh my god, Y/n get out of here no one likes you!" Rory rolls his eyes. your stomache drops. "I'm only kidding! Come here Sugar!" He hugs you.
"Hi Y/n!" Mike waves.
"Hi Mike! Hey Dean."
"sup." Dean nods his head. You chill with them for a bit. Once it gets dark Dean orders pizza for everyone, yes everyone all fiftey- some odd people here. Thats the good thing about being in the group, even though not everyone gets along, 9 times out of ten you get free dinner unless its your turn to pay for it. "Here." Dean hands you a box and you put it on the hood of the car.
"Thanks dude." you smile and pass him a piece.
"Not a problem Sugar."
The kids arent alright starts playing and everyone starts dancing. You look around at everyone with a grin plasterd on your face.
"Hey Chica!" Jimmy pops up out of no where startling you.
"Hi!" You answer. Tre walks up and joins.
"Is that Amanda?" He asks pointing towards her, you look up and she's making out with Anthony.
"Yeah. What the hell." Jimmy runs up and shoves anthony.
"JIMMY WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Amanda yells. "JIMMY!! STOP IT!!"
Anthony shoves him to the ground and punches him.
"Hey anthony! stop!" you pull him off Jimmy.
"Don't tell me what to do you whore!" He shoves you. "Tommy! Take care of this fucker!" He orders. Tommy pins Jimmy down and smashes his head into the ground.
"Are you fucking him?" Anthony asks.
"STOP LYING!!" He slaps you.
"I'm not." You look over at Tommy, Mike, Tre and Rory are now fighting with him and Jimmy's nowhere to be seen. Anthony grabs your shoulders and pushes you against the brick wall.
"Tell me the fuckin truth." He growls.
"I am.." He then grabs your throat and proceeds to choke you. Gasping for air you try to kick him off but he doesnt stop, you fall limp while he's still pinning you to the wall.
"Hey! get off of her!" Jimmy grabs him and beats the shit out of him. "Dean, take her to your car please." Jimmy orders.
"c'mon." Dean gently grabs your arm and takes you to his car. "we're going for a drive."
"Okay." You sit quietly, your hands shaking in fear. Dean pulls over once you reach the bridge.
"Are you okay?"
"To be honsest I dont know."
"I'm sorry he's such a dick."
"You should break up with him."
"I dont know how. He'll hurt me."
"He'll hurt you either way sugar."
"I guess you're right."
"Hang on Jimmy's calling me."
"Okay." After he's done talking he explains whats happening.
"He said he's gonna come pick you up and talk with you."
"Okay. Thank you."
"Of course." You guys don't talk until he arrives, You hop out and start heading to his car. "Hey!" Dean calls after you.
"Break up with him!"
"I will!" You jump into Jimmy's car and he looks exhausted.
"Hey Chica." he says in a sad, quiet voice.

jesus of suburbia. saint Jimmy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now