Lost children with dirty faces.

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Time skip a couple days.
You and Jimmy end up in a small town in Washington. Jimmy finds a small apartment to rent, he pays with the money he had saved.
The apartment comes with a bed, a couch and kitchen appliences.
You go and sit on the couch, sinking into the comfortable padded cushions, you run your fingers along the thick stitching and close your eyes. You just think about how nice its going to be to shower and sleep in an actual bed.
Jimmy comes into the room.
"I call dibs on the shower." He announces.
"I was just about to." You scoff and roll your eyes.
"Well if its a problem.. we'll shower together." He walks around the front of the couch and crosses arms.
"No way." You glare at him.
"I was joking! You go first, just be fast."
"No it's okay, I can wait." You smile and hug him. "You're more stinky then me anyway."
He shoves you lightly. "No, you reek."
Time skip:))
You step out of the warm shower and wrap up in a towel. You close your eyes and run your fingers through your damp hair, a sigh of relaxation and relief escapes your lungs. Jimmy knocks on the bathroom door.
"Yeah?" You call out.
"Open the door, I have someting for you."
You hesitate but eventually crack the door and peek out. Jimmy has his eyes closed and hes holding out a lump of gorgeous, balck fabric.
your curiosity gets the best of you and you grab the lump of softness and close the door.
"Thank's babe." You unravell it and discover its a fuzzy robe. "Aww"
"Do you like it??" He asks eagerly.
"Of course I do!" you slip it on and tie the thick drawstrings around your waist then walk into the living room. "How do I look?" You wink and laugh.
"Perfect." He smirks and wraps his arms around you. "I love you." He mumbles into your shoulder.
"I love you too." You kiss the top of his head, his hair still damp from the shower.
"Promise?" He pulls away and stands up straight.
"Do you think I'd runaway with you if I didn't feel the same?" You smile, goofily.
He shrugs.
"Where'd you get the robe??" You ask.
"I ran out. speaking of which, do you have a resume?"
"On my phone, it has to be printed." You answer.
"Okay, we need to get jobs."
"You? Work?" You laugh.
"Haha." He rolls his eyes playfully. "I'm serious though, we can't affored to live here without jobs." His face softens and slight concern takes over.
"Okay, I think we can email them in to some places." You pull up places hiring near you and browze for a bit.
Eventually you find a couple places you like and apply, about an hour later you get a call from the small record place downtown.
"Hey, this is Billie from rock'n record's, I'm calling for Y/n." The guy on the other end says in a bored voice.
"Hi Billie, thats me!"
"Cool, I'm calling about your online application. When can you come in for an interview?"
"I'm free whenever."
"Wanna come in tonight just after closing? We close at 6." He asks.
"Sure that works, see you soon!" You hang up the phone. "I got an interview!"
"Good job! I haven't even figured out how to submit my damn resume." Jimmy says, frusterated.
"Lemme help." You sit beside him and attach his file and submit it.
You guys just chill out and cuddle for a bit before you have to go.
"I should go now, I love you." You kiss him quickly and stand up from the couch.
"Break a leg sweetheart." Jimmy twirls a tooth pick in his mouth.
You chuckle.
"Ahaha thanks babe." You look back at him and his goofy smile before walking out the door.
Time skip
"See I just don't know if you're fit for the job sweety." The Billie guy says.
"How old are you??" You ask puzzled.
"24. Why does that matter?"
You let out a laugh.
"You seem a bit young to be calling me that." You cock an eyebrow.
"Is this little rebel flirting?"
You blush.
"I uh- I actually have a boyfriend. Sorry."
"Oh boo, I thought we could have some fun, listen, I'll think about it and get back to you. Sound good?"
"Yeah, but were you gonna hire me if I slept with you?"
"No dude, I'm not that kind of person. I was kidding."
"Okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting into a dangerous situation."
"You're all good love. You don't look familiar though, I can usually recognize a lot of people in town."
"Yeah, well, I'm actually new here."
"Ohhh." He nods "alright well Ill call you. Thanks for coming in." He reaches out his hand and you shake it firmly.
"Have a good night!" You beam.

jesus of suburbia. saint Jimmy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now