Chapter 14: Creeping Suspicions

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*back in Auradon*
Evie's PoV:
I had been awake for so long, hours possibly even days. Ever since my last attendance at tea time with the girls, and our more unusual conversation, I couldn't do anything. I was unable to sleep, eat, or focus on anything other than my designs. My design room was where I'd spent much of my time recently. Of course I still played the part of the dutiful wife and mother, but I felt disconnected from it all.
Auradon's royal family would be returning home from Arendelle this afternoon. I only knew this because of all of the announcements. It's not like I know anything anymore. Mal doesn't talk to me. Not about anything. And, we don't text or talk on the phone or over FaceTime everyday like we used to.
The girls had seemed to be on my side, also noticing her odd behaviors. But, they didn't know Mal Bertha like I did. And, I highly doubt they'd believe me if I shared my true suspicions. I didn't know if anyone would, not even my husband... It hurt not to say anything to him. But, I felt like a crazy conspiracy freak. My conspiracy was that, the Mal we'd had for the past few weeks was actually her twin.
I felt like a lunatic just thinking about it. But, I couldn't help it. Ever since the night we returned home, found out about about Audrey and Harry's engagement, and Mal's pregnancy... Ever since the night that Mal told me, and only me as far as I knew, about Harley, she had been different.
Everyone else may think it was just the pregnancy and I thought it was just that too. But, I had been pregnant, I knew what it was like. And, yes, I knew all women were different when they carried a child. But, this wasn't that. She wasn't my Mal, my sister. "Owww shit.." I muttered to myself. I came back to reality looking down at my recently pricked finger.
I sucked on my finger lightly to stop the bleeding. As I did that, I looked down at the monstrosity of a dress I was creating. Honestly I couldn't even tell if it was a dress. I had been sewing blindly. I sat back in my chair with a huff of frustration. I could only think of three people to talk to. Three people who wouldn't think I was completely insane.
There was Ben, her adoring husband. He spent as much time with her as I did. Maybe more, these days. Then there was Hades and Maleficent, her parents. They wouldn't be able to think I was insane since they were two of the craziest people alive. But, did I really want to go and see either one of them?
For my own good reasons that was a big fat no. And, so I decided that for the first time in a while I'd leave my home and go speak to the King of Auradon.

Ben's PoV:
       I felt a sense of great relief once my family had returned home from Arendelle. I'm not sure what gave me this feeling. Maybe it was the fact that I was back in my own element. The place where I was in charge. Of course, I was in charge along with Mal, my darling Queen. As I knew though, I was the final decision maker.
        I suppose I also also relieved to be home because I had hope that Mal might relax and go back to normal in a sense. Although, I wasn't sure that would happen until the baby was born. She had been so different recently. It both worried and frightened me. But, I stuck by her side and continued to give her all that she needed. That was part of being a loving husband.
        Once back in Auradon, my parents had gone back to their new home and Mal headed straight for our room. She said that she needed to rest after the long journey. I kissed her forehead and watched as she ascended up the stair case. I asked both Lumier and Cogsworth to take our luggage to the room, but warned them not to disturb Mal's slumber.
        After they nodded and set off to work, I made my own way to my office. I was sure I had paperwork to catch up on. And, I was right. Upon my desk there were two very tall stacks of paper. I sighed and took a seat at my desk. I relished in the feeling of my comfortable desk chair. It definitely felt good to be home.
       Maybe an hour later, I'd lost track of time in the sea of paperwork, there was a knock at my door. I called for them to enter. The door opened softly and Evie popped her head in. "Heyyyy Ben. Welcome home and all that..." she came in completely. "Hey, E. Mal is actually asleep right now." I glanced up at her as she sat in one of the chairs across from me. I could kind of see her.
       "Oh, that's fineeeee. I'm actually here to, ummm... see you." She looked down at her lap where she played with her fingers.
      I set my pen down on the papers I was currently working on. She sounded worried and when she looked up to me I saw true fear in her eyes. She looked like she was going to cry. I rushed to the other side of the desk and sat in the chair next to hers. "Hey. Hey. E, it's okay. No need to cry. Just tell me what's on your mind." She put on her thinking face and was quiet.
       "Has Mal been experiencing all of typical pregnancy symptoms?" She asked. I wasn't sure how to answer. I noticed some, but I didn't know all of the symptoms to look for. "I mean I've noticed the mood swings and some morning sickness..."
       "She's still throwing up?" I nodded. "Ben, she's almost three months pregnant. That should be basically over. And, what about swollen ankles, acne, stretch marks?" She looked up to meet my eyes.
      Come to think of it I hadn't noticed any marks, not that she'd really let me see her bare body lately. And, if she was still wearing certain shoes, her ankles were not even close to swollen. I shook my head, "no Evie, not to my knowledge."
"That's because the girl we think is Mal, the one you've been sharing a bed with for the past few weeks, is NOT our Mal!" She stood up clearly angry. I stood and tried to calm her down. I did eventually get her to sit back down. "What do you mean that's not our Mal? I think I'd know if it wasn't the real Mal." She just continued to shake her head at me.
"How much do you really know about Mal's family?" I thought for a moment. There wasn't much to know. And, I was pretty sure I knew it all. "Mal Bertha, daughter of Maleficent and Hades. One blood sister, according to her parents... That's pretty much all there is. Other than myself and our unborn child..." Evie rolled her eyes.
"First of all, watch yourself your Highness. She had Jay, Carlos, and myself long before she had you. We ARE her family." She looked at me with an expression of shock. "But, I'm talking about blood siblings. Or to be more specific, a sister... wait you know?!" Her words were slow coming out. Probably to give me time to adjust, but there was no adjusting. None of this made sense. I had to be dreaming.
       This time I shook my head. "Yes, Evie. Maleficent and Hades mentioned it a while ago. But, I didn't believe any of their nonsense." I remained sitting, but was filled with enough rage to make me go full beast. How had I forgotten about this?
        "Ben, just think about it. Even if you had forgotten about it... Besides, it took her long enough to tell you who her dad was..." okay, so Evie did make a few good points.
      "Okay so why would she only tell you, like really tell you? Why would she not say anything to me, her husband?! Especially if she believed her parents... And, what do we do now? We have to confirm it!" I was in panic mode. If Evie was right, and like Mal she was hardly ever wrong, then my pregnant wife was somewhere out there... alone. It hurt me to even think about that. I knew she'd be able to handle herself, but she was carrying my child.
       "Maybe she was going to tell you like really tell you, but wanted to test the waters by telling me first. And, our next step is for you to go speak with Hades, since Maleficent hasn't been around in a hot minute..." I looked at her with wide eyes that now held fear.
      I gulped, hard. "Ummm... why... why do I have to be the one to go talk to... Hades?" I stuttered out. My father-in-law and I may be on good terms, but that didn't mean I wanted to go have a one on one conversation with him.
       "I can't very well be the one to go see him and put my life in danger! I am a mother who runs a very successful clothing business." She placed a hand over her heart.
      "Yes, well I'm about to be a dad! Not to mention I'm a King running a country!" I mimicked her action and response.
      "But, you're also her husband..." Evie responded slowly. She was right. Mal was my wife. And, again if Evie was right. If the Mal I had been sleeping next to for the past few weeks was in fact an imposter, I had to find the real Mal and save her. It would be the first time I got to save her, though I had hoped it'd never come to this.
       I nodded to Evie. "At least he's got a place here so I don't have to go to the Isle..."

Hade's PoV:
I had been spending more and more time in Auradon lately and I had to say it wasn't too shabby. I mean sure, I missed my underground... oh what was I kidding! I did not miss living on the Isle in that shit hole, even if I did live in the smaller part of Auradon. Plus, moving my few belongings here helped.
Sometimes I worried about Harley. But, I knew she wouldn't come here, even if I asked. This wasn't her scene. I had raised her to be strong, but I had left out the lessons on being open-minded and forgiving. Those lessons weren't highly ranked on the list of what villains teach their children. However, I couldn't help but wonder if she was a lost cause.
      And besides, I was here to make amends with Mal, and to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen my other daughter in weeks. I also hadn't seen Maleficent, but that was a positive. Currently I was pacing back and forth in my small living room.
Both of my daughters were on my mind. One, whom I hadn't seen in almost two months. The other, who seemed to be acting more unlike herself than I'd ever known possible. In my opinion, Mal had been acting more like....
* knock.knock.knock*
Well that was odd, no one ever came to visit me. I pulled myself from my thoughts and the window I had stopped to watch out. Opening the old, creaky door revealed the young King. "Ahhh if it isn't King Benjamin himself. Is my daughter with you?" He shook his head. "Oh. Well, please come in." I moved aside to let my son-in-law in.
"To what do I owe this royal visit? I promise I've been on my best behavior. As much as I can at least..."
      He ignored my comment and leaned against one of my walls. I was surprised that he came without guards. "I need a straight answer. No games. No bullshit. How many daughters do you have?" I looked at him shocked. I didn't think I'd ever hear our oblivious innocent King swear. Without thinking, I responded. "Last time I checked I only had two. Mal and Harley."
        "That's what I was afraid of.." he looked down at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing ever. "Why do you ask? You already married one. And, I don't think Mal wants you to have two wives..."
       His head snapped back up so that his eyes met mine. "Well it might be too late for that because I'm pretty sure the girl currently in the castle is Harley!" His voice was filled with rage. Rightly so though if he was right.
      "Well shit... I was afraid of that..." was all I could mutter out. "Do you know where Mal hid my ember?" He shook his head. I was afraid of that too.

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