Breed Me

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Jimin was distraught to say the least, jungkook had gotten hurt on stage, his mate being hurt had put him in a state of distress because jungkook doesn't smell like he usually smells, his calming Juniper smell had turned into a sour smell. Of course jungkook was okay, just hurt because of the deep cut on his foot, he wouldn't be able to perform the rest of the concert.

"Jimin, I'm okay you can stop worrying." Jungkook said sweetly to the older omega in front of him pacing back and forth, jungkook was currently about to see a doctor. "Can't I just heal it like, really I will and then you will be fine" Jungkook looked at him for a second as to think about it. It would be faster, he wouldn't have to get stitches like everyone is saying. "We can try just do it before the doctor gets in here" Jungkook didn't even have to invite jimin to start trying. "Okay umm don't get weirded out that I'm licking your foot"

Jimin started at the deepest part of the wound. He licked there for a minute, it needing the most attention because it's the deepest. Jimin was kind of disgusted at the fact he was licking jungkooks foot, I mean a foots a foot no matter who it is. After a minute of licking the deep wound he moved to the shallower parts of it, he could see the healing process starting right away.

Watching the cut stop bleeding put jimin in a since of ease, he could smell jungkook coming back to normal.

Just then the doctor came in, he looked in between the two and could understand clearly. "Alright let's have a look" before jungkook could say it's okay, he was already by him. "Hmm well Mr.Jeon it looks like your cut is already healed." Jungkook looked at jimin with wide eyes. "Already?". The doctor looked at his foot again and then back up at the two. "It looks as if an Omega healed this, and so fast that it might be from a mate?" Jimin blushed

The doctor understood from the way the omega reacted. "Ah I see, well Mr. Jeon we are all good here I'll let y'all be". He left the two to be stunned silent at how fast he had healed. "That fast of healing only happens when you are soulmates.."

That kind of makes since, I mean jimins eyes turned a whole new color after mating. He would never forget the cute rose pink color that took over his eyes, and the intense feeling of protection and love wash over him. That only happens when you really are the perfect one for your mate.

"It would explain why your heats are so intense jimin" Jimin thought about it, when you are with your soulmate the main reason is to start producing offspring with elite genes, so when ever the heat comes around his senses are heightened and his fertility is at its highest. A simple breeze could have him on his knees and begging during that time.

"Speaking of heats mines close" Jimin said, Jungkook looked at him. "Well do you want me to help you through it this time? Because we are on tour and i don't know if you want to take that risk" jimin just gasped, thinking of his alpha not helping him through his would be awful.

He would have to talk to the tour managers about his heat, of course jimin would miss one interview and maybe a show but other than that he wouldn't miss much. His heat hit 5 days later. It was harder than it had been because he had run out of supplements durning beginning of the North American leg of the tour.

He had been in a hotel room with Jungkook, the band agreed that it would just be safer keeping the two together, they had been getting a lot of sasaengs coming up to the hotel floor they are on. Of course all the members could keep him safe but for extra precaution they would keep him with jungkook.

Jungkook could feel when the heat hit jimin, his body temperature raising and what awoke him was the violent shivers that hit jimin. He could feel him stirring in his sleep finally waking up and grinding on jungkook.

"Mm alpha please." He was gasping for air as the first wave of pleasure ran through him. "Don't worry I'm right here okay?" Jungkook soothed the omega, running a hand through his hair, he shifted to be on top of jimin. Sitting back he took his shirt off and once dry but now wet boxers of his lover under him.

He pulled himself out of his bottoms and pushed into jimin. Taking him by surprise the elder yelped, but it turned into a moan from overwhelming pleasure. Jungkook was rocking into him at a slow pace, letting him adjust. Jimins smell was all around the room, roses filled jungkooks mind. Sweet, bright red roses is what jimin smelled of.

Jimin felt the molten hot pleasure ripple through his body telling him he needed more than just jungkook slowly fucking him. He wanted jungkook to mark him and fuck him till he couldn't stand anymore. Wanted to be took from every single inch of the room. On the wall, the table, even the balcony. He wanted everyone to know jungkook was his alpha.

"Ohhh fuuck kook, alpha, please faster, harder, anything to make the pain go away" the longer it took jungkook to go faster the more the pain got. By know jimin was trying to squirm away out of jungkooks reach. But because jungkook is stronger than him he simply puts his arm around jimins waist and this time roughly pushes back into him eliciting a high pitch moan from the elder under him.

He kept fucking jimin hard. He felt like he couldn't get enough of him. All the hard work from tour being let out right now into his lover who is thrashing and throwing his head back, moaning so loud that the whole world can hear it. It still wasn't enough. He was going through his rut.

"Dammit fuck jimin you started my rut early" Jimin couldn't even reply, the pleasure was overwhelming his senses, all he could hear was his loud moans and the blood rushing in his ears as his was hyper aware of jungkooks member sliding in and out of him at an alarming rate. He was pretty sure he was crying, hot tears running down his face as he arched his back wanting nothing more than to feel jungkook deeper in him.

"Ah fuck" Jungkook growled above him and it just made things worse, fresh slick running out of him with every thrust. Now that jungkook was in rut, jimin was most likely going to get pregnant. Jungkook was going even more faster than before. The poor bed under them creaking in protest and the loud bang of the head board making dents in the wall.

For the first time jimin finally breathed and said something "god jungkook not enough please harder"
And so Jungkook went impossible harder, the sounds of smacking filling the stuffy air around them. Both parties now moaning hard and loud, both wanting more.

Jungkook was now marking up jimin, leaving deep dark bruises all over his neck and collarbones. Making jimin moan even louder under him. Jungkooks knot finally started to form, catching at jimins rim.

It was painful this time, jungkook being in rut made his knot bigger in size than normal times, giving him more of a chance to breed jimin. "Alpha hurtsss" Jimin drew the last letter out longer, making a hiss when it caught again. "I know my omega I'm close just a little more" by this time jimin had came 2 times. He then came once more from Jungkook shoving his knot all the way in locking them together for the remainder of the his climax.

Jungkook whispered dirty things into jimins ear as he came down from his high. "You like that omega? You like feeling me fill you up with my seed, gonna breed you full of pups. You're all mine omega."

Three days later they had finally finished, unlocking themselves from the room smelling of each other. Yoongi was the first to notice them.

"My god y'all smell terrible." Jungkook looked at him and slightly puffed his chest at yoongi. Jimin giggles "Jungkook stop we probably do smell like each other hardcore, I feel bad for the people who have to clean our room" Hoseok chimes in "uh yeah I feel bad for the people who had a room next to you"   "You should" in comes the two other mates in the band. Namjoon and Seokjin. Both looked more exhausted than Jungkook and jimin. Jin having just had a baby a month ago probably wasn't the best putting them right next to the two new mates.

"Ah jimin and jungkook are finally done with their fuck fest how great" taehyung looked as equally as tired as Namjoon and Jin. "I'm guessing you also got placed next to us?" Jimin said, blush running all the way to his toes. "Ding ding ding" taehyung said.


It had been a week since Jimin had gotten his heat. He had been woke up early in the morning, over thrown by Nausea, puking all the contents of his stomach. "Guk will you please cause the doctor in here I need to check something"

"Of fucking course" Jimin looked down at the three positive test sitting on the bathroom counter.

Heheheheh I'll continue this later on. But sorry if you don't like omega verse kind of story's. I wanted to continue on from my sweet omega. Hope y'all are having a fun night. ✌️

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