Winter x moon

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WAIT ! Before you read I don't ship this and I know this is very wrong and I am a stupid dumbo idiot noob weak ugly turd but yeah. HERE WE GO!

Winter POV
Winter was lying around thinking it also was quite dark and late he was thinking about mating season it was about to start in a few hours and he had no mate. Moon . Winter of course liked her but nightwing mating season was almost over a Moon probably got a mate.
Just the thought of another dragons cock in Moon's pussy sent chills down his spine but the thought of Moon's pussy... gave him a boner as his member began to grow.
"Winter?" Moon's voice filled his ears.

He hid his cock with his tail .
Moon walked over with a sway of her hips.
"Yes?" Winter asked.
"Well I know mating season is coming soon and-"
She was cut of by winter asking "Did you bring shots?"
"No !" Moon said.
"But I kinda wanted to help so." Moon moved her tail revealing her bright red puffy pink unfucked pussy.
"Can we?" Moon asked .
"Sure!" Winter said.
Moon got ready by getting up and moved on the leaf bed and spread her legs for Winter as he stroked his cock and she flicked her tongue saying she was ready.
Winter still had a boner he stared to lick her neck and shoulder to tease her a bit and went down her back and wings . "Ahh"said moon. Moon moaned as Winter got to her legs. "Stop!" Said Moon.
"Why something wrong?" Winter asked .
"Oh no feels nice but stop teasing me!" She half yelled.
"Fine!" Winter said working his way down and lick twice then slid his tongue in her half wet pussy.
"Ohhh yes faster!" Moaned Moon.
"Do you like it ? Are you ok with this?" Asked Winter.
"Yes I really am just keep going please I love it !"
Yelled Moon.
"Keep it down a bit?" Winter asked moon.
"Yeah sure sorry." Said Moon.
Winter kept on licking her dry .
Lick . Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick.
Winter loved the taste. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Then a new taste it was white an sticky he licked up realizing it was moons cum he blocked out her moans.
"Ready?" Winter asked . "Yeah just a second !" Moon said. She moved around a bit then said "yup!"
"This may hurt ." Winter said preparing his cock .
"The pain won't be to bad!" Said Moon.
"Ok!" Said Winter. He already lined up his cock and was stroking a bit.
Moon's POV
I yelled in pain as Winter shoved his 8inch cock in her pussy not all the way .
"Oh my moons you are so tight!" Winter moaned while moon yelled in pain.
He trusted more and pain moans turned in to pleasured moans fast tho Winter was going quite slow.
"F - ahh faSter winter ple-ahhh please w-winter." Moon moaned as his cold cock went deeper and harder.
After one second Winter was going faster and harder.
Trust. Moan. Moan. Trust . Trust. Trust. Moan. Moan. Moan. Moan. Moan.
"Yes !" Moon moaned. "More please!" Moon Said.
Winter gave her more but winter felt a small knot in his stomach. He never asked her if she wanted a egg.
With each trust the knot grew bigger and bigger and bigger and more hard to hold in.
The moon moan loudly and her pussy clamped down hard on his cock as she organism all over his blue cock. He couldn't hold for much longer ! "Lose !" Winter said . But it was way to late as his white cum streamed out of his cock and all in moon's pussy.
She turned around and glared at him.
" We can have a egg?" Winter said .
"Only because I love you so much Winter!" Said Moon. "Same here I love you Moon!"Said Winter as he pulled out. Moon turned around and licked his cock twice.
"Stop teasing me."he moaned out. Moon then stuck the whole cock into her mouth. Winter put a hand on her head pushing her down on his cock up and down slowly.
Up and down.
Suck. Suck. Suck. Moan.
" stop please ." Said Winter. Moon finished slurping up cum and lay down and soon fell asleep . Winter was still awake thinking about moon,her egg,turtle.
Winter got lost in his thoughts and soon fell asleep to.
The end!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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