. Eight .

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[[ ---Cesare's POV--- ]]

"you know I was wondering how she was going to pull that one off, I haven't seen Gianna cook anything in the time I've known her."

I spoke without thinking, and regretted the choice as soon as the last word was spoken.

"I apologize." I said genuinely, I'm not sure if she's aware or not, but her entire demeanor fell upon my mentioning her sister.

"It's alright, really...I'm fine."

'I'm Fine' ...every person in the entire world knows that when a woman says she's fine, she is absolutely NOT fine, especially when her whole face falls the way my mates just had.

I wanted to fix this, no, I needed to fix this. Watching her saddened state hurt me as well, and knowing I was the cause of her downtrodden attitude stung even worse.

"Please don't be upset Evalina" I pleaded. "How about we just, start over."

She merely looked up at me curiously and I smiled down at her, "it's good to see you Evalina, I can see you're here to pick up things for dessert on Thursday, and what exactly are going to bake for us."

A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips prettily as she fought her own smile. "A lemon raspberry cheesecake and a three tiered Devils food cake with Mexican hot chocolate ganache."

I was practically drooling, "why a lemon raspberry cheesecake?"

"I love cheesecake" she shrugged, "why do you ask?"

Now it was my turn to shrug, "I love lemons."


I nodded as we began to walk down the aisle, each pushing our own cart, "yeah, as a kid my grandma use to have a lemon tree in their backyard and I would seriously slice one down the middle, add a little salt and squeeze the juice into my mouth." I admitted. "Of course I'm older now and well... now I can appreciate a lemon as a citric twist on an old classic...just enough tartness added to the sweetness of a cheesecake."

I could see she was hanging onto my words so I leaned down a little and dropped my voice ever so slightly, "just like you and I Cara Mia."

She gasped and her cheeks filled with a beautiful pink warmth, the action caused me to chuckle as I grabbed the chocolate from the shelf that my mom asked me to purchase.

She quickly regained her reserve and sped up to return to my side as I had slowly walked off, "y-you can't say things like that Cesare."

"Do you know what you do to me every time you say my name Cara Mia?" I asked honestly.

She shook her head innocently and I stepped close to her once more I placed my right hand on her waist and then lifted the left one up to her face, my fingers tips going slightly into her hair. She stared up at me wide eyed and as I slowly began to lean down her eyes slowly closed and her mouth parted open.

I could kiss her sinuous lips right now if I pleased, and my Evalina was even going to let me, but I needed her to know the lust not love that filled me every time my name falls from her lips.

I dipped my head down further (not caring for a second that we are in fact standing in the middle of a crowded grocery store) and I let my nose trail along her beautiful clavicle, a small gasp escaped her, and that's when I let slow pecks trail up her neck before I took her earlobe in between my teeth gently. The rewarding sound of a pleasurable moan filled my ears and I knew if I didn't stop soon I would end up marking my mate right here in the supermarket, my mouth made its way to her jaw where I took it upon myself to leave a little reminder of myself before I ended my actions with one final kiss in the exact spot I would mark her before standing upright once more.

I looked down at my mate and smiled satisfactorily as her eyes remained closed but a small smile played on her lips, I kept my hand on her waist so as not to allow her to fall. But once her eyes opened the utter realization of her enjoyment was evident even more, before she blinked it away and pushed me away from her.

"Don't do that!" She growled.

I would have thought her action was cute, a female so tiny pushing and ordering around a future alpha. But the seriousness that filled her eyes scared me and even made my wolf whimper like a dog being scolded.

"I-I'm sorry." I said, "it won't happen again." This time I turned and walked away, I couldn't bear to see that I had once more screwed up so I left the store, I would have someone return to purchase whatever my mother needed at a later time.

When I got to my apartment I found my front door unlocked. I entered and didn't have to search long before I found Gianna in my room, laying out outfits for me.

I pulled off my tie and stepped out of my shoes.

"Good you're here, we need to go over outfits for thanksgiving." She stated. "Normally I don't like couples that match, but seeing as it's a special dinner I don't see why certain elements shouldn't be a bit matchy."

"What are you doing here Gianna?" I asked tiredly, I really was in no mood after what had happened a little while ago.

She turned and smiled, "I just told you silly, I'm here to help you with our thanksgiving outfits." She said as she walked over to me and began to remove my jacket before walking it over to the closet, "we both know you'd be helpless without me."

"I was more than capable of dressing myself way before you came into my life."

She only tilted her head, "very well, choose what you want to wear then Cesare." She sighed.

I took it as a slight challenge and I let my pent up frustrations come out in a single growl, one that was powerful enough to send her stepping back quickly away from me and bumping into my long dresser.

"I told you Gianna, we're done...I don't play games, so get your shit and leave whatever keys of mine you made for yourself and get the hell out of my apartment!"

She jutted her lower jaw out ever so slightly in a determined fashion, before she stepped forward and pulled out her keys. She silently removed two keys from her key ring and placed them on my bed before turning to leave the room, she reached my bedroom door and stopped, "I only have one request."

"What is it?" I growled once more.

Her whole body went stiff as she tried to hide her fear, "can we not tell our parents we're over until after thanksgiving, it would kill my mom to see that we've broken up" She said.

Maybe it was because in this vulnerable state she looked so much like Evalina when she asked this of me that I agreed.

"I will pretend to be with you JUST for the evening, but I have to tell you after that I mean it Gianna, no more, and if you can't comply with my orders then you can leave this pack because I will not have any drama between us nor will I allow you to hinder any chances I have with my future Luna."

She gave me a questioning look, "so, do you have someone in mind already to fill the future Luna seat?"

"That doesn't concern you in the slightest Gianna, now, I'm sure you're fully capable of letting yourself out." I said, she let out her own growl but I ignored it, I also ignored when she slammed my front door. I laid back against my bed and let out a heavy sigh, the first thing I would have to do come thanksgiving day is once again, apologize to my mate.

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