Chapter 2 - Last Day Being Human

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I open my eyes to see where I am at as I am looking around I realize that I am in a bedroom. While I am looking around I see three doors, so I get up to see where the doors lead to. When I open the first door it leads to a bathroom, then I went to the second door which is a closet filled with clothes. I take a look at the clothes and they are all my sizes which is a little weird.

The last door must be the way out of this room. I slowly twist the knob and open the door so my kidnappers did not lock the door. I walk out the door, then I started walking until I got to some stairs. When I got to the bottom I can see some of the guys from last night are watching t.v., while the others are playing a game, but there is no sign of the leader.

One of the guys playing the game looks up and sees me. I freeze where I am standing since I have just been caught. He has short black hair with blue eyes and it seems like he has a twelve pack with muscles. The guy stands up then walks over to me.

"Since you are going to be apart of our family soon, I will introduce you to everyone" he said with a smile

"Um . . . Sure I guess" I said with a frown

"Well first off my name is Storm and I am the oldest" Storm said with a smile then moved over and lets someone else introduce themselves.

The next guy gets up and comes over to me. This guy has short brown hair with brown eyes and he also has a twelve pack with some muscles.

"My name is Thunder and I am the second child" Thunder said with a smile while stepping back

Then the next guy gets up and comes over to us. He has short black hair with black eyes which is a little weird and he also has a twelve pack with muscles.

"My name is Lightning and I am the third child" Lightning said stepping back with the others

The next guy comes over and he has short brown hair with blue eyes, also he has a twelve pack with muscles.

"My name is Tornado and I am the fourth child" Tornado said while stepping back next to the others.

The next guy that comes over has short black hair with black eyes as well and also a twelve pack with muscles.

"My name is Hurricane and I am the fifth child" Hurricane said stepping back next to Tornado

One of the last two guys comes over and he has short blond hair with light blue eyes, also a twelve pack with muscles.

"My name is Ice and I am the sixth child" Ice said standing next to his brother

The last brother gets up and comes over to us. He also has short black hair with black eyes and a twelve pack with muscles.

"My name is Snake and I am the seventh child and the last male" Snake said with a grin

I walk over to one of the chairs and sit down, then the brothers all sit down too.  I look at all of them and I can't really see and family resemblance between them. I looked at the TV screen to see that they were playing some kind of monster fighting game which is so typically of guys playing this kind of game with a lot of death and guts in them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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