Haikyuu!! - Kei Tsukishima

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Such a powerful, romantic attraction was growing burdensome. At the most precarious of times, he could barely restrain himself. He silently prayed for even the briefest of touches. It was extremely troubling to him, especially thanks to his malicious demeanour. He acted uninterested in the world, but you were that which it was impossible to explain with simple physics. A cringing sensation consumed his body - was that seriously at the forefront of his mind? Surely, these feelings resonated with more ease and clarity in the hearts of Tanaka and Nishinoya? The prideful blonde attempted to crush that mental image. Him, akin to those idiots? Nothing worse could be conceived. Well, perhaps your inevitable rejection. Not that a confession was playing in his head, because it wasn't! He couldn't allow such trivialities, as irritating as he viewed them, to interfere with his studying, volleyball practice or personal life.

After all, there was no benefit to dwelling on a cause which was forever-unattainable. You might occupy the opposing desk, and he might risk subtle, little glances...only on occasion, but those things held no significant meaning, and his pessimistic brain refused to pursue them. Not to mention, your personalities were polarities - sloth and arrogance seeped into every word which dripped from his mouth, while a genuine compassion glowed amidst your eyes.

Oh, your eyes...he could quite contentedly gaze into those shimmering (e/c) gemstones for the rest of eternity. And your plump, soft-seeming lips...they could taste of damnation, but only the sweetest kind; if they unleashed armageddon upon him, his features would convey purely the utmost gratitude. But, these thoughts were so very infuriating! You would definitely be disgusted, if they ever managed to surface. They wouldn't - never in a million years. There would be another mass extinction before he sabotaged his emotional barriers, intentionally. He vowed never to grant you unrestricted access. Heck, even restricted access was off the table! Although the admission wouldn't come easily, confidence wasn't exactly his forte. He was certain that a nuclear meltdown of his heart would ensue before his affections were given the blessing to break out of their cage.

Yet, the severity of his most horrifying affliction was becoming even more problematic. When he requested its unbridled concentration, to take notes during class, his mind simply rebuffed him. The battle he waged with it was constant, only amplifying at the slightest hint of a smile. Not that he always watched you. How creepy would that be? Annoyed, he clicked his tongue. Rather loudly. Your head turned, work momentarily discarded. A blush was rising on the blonde's porcelain cheeks, blossoming in prominence as the seconds trickled by. From his position by the window, all the intricacies of your face were revealed, including the concern which clouded your vision. Also reflected was that mortifying crimson hue - the cursed reaction to thoughts he should have long dispelled.

For a mere moment, he allowed himself to wonder just how much you had noticed. Was your vantage point enough to recognise his embarrassment? Or...was it perhaps disappointment? After all, love was never supposed to pierce his heart. It was a waste of time and energy, (according to a younger version of Tsukishima), neither of which he wished to spare. Then, if that was truly his firm perspective, why did he ache to devote every smile, every breath, to you and you alone? What convinced his heart to thunder against his chest with such violence, to weep with an unruly joy, whenever a sliver of sunlight illuminated your ethereal complexion?

"Tsukishima!" The teacher suddenly yelled, venom lacing her tone. 

"Stop staring out of the window! And (L/n), stop staring at Tsukishima!"

The sniggering which followed earned a vicious death-glare from the woman, but the humiliation at having been caught and subsequently outed, could never be retracted. The remainder of that lesson wiled away at an agonisingly slow pace; both of your faces were burning, and an uncomfortable silence had imposed itself upon the classroom. Each party wanted so badly to direct an apology towards the other, but for Tsukishima, his prideful soul was his most oppressive adversary.

Oh well - maybe this was the retribution he deserved, for letting love fester within the deepest regions of his heart. He still couldn't comprehend the inclusion of this newfound weakness, into his everyday life. To be extremely blunt, it hurt. He felt secure in the assumption that you wouldn't ever reciprocate his feelings, and he had hoped them to be fleeting, but alas, some higher power was engraving his tombstone already. This love grasped for purchase on his very core, determined yet honey-drizzled. It was too sickly-sweet, and seemed to release toxins into his veins, although this was probably just ecstasy. Whatever the reality, it wasn't something his mind favoured. 

His heart, however...

Well, it likened you to a strawberry shortcake - in other terms: a delicacy.

Vying for your affections (not that he ever intended to) would be daunting, as if chasing an orgasm (not that he knew anything about this). He figured your heart to be either a miracle of nature, or a welcomed parasite, because of its persistence - a singular trace, and he was wrapped around your finger. This wasn't the life he had chosen, but now, he didn't think your absence would grant him any semblance of bliss. With these thoughts swirling around, Tsukishima vowed to remove himself from the classroom as quickly as possible, once the bell sounded. To be trapped there, surrounded by the fragrance which defined you (he definitely didn't take any and all opportunities to inhale your aroma), would cause insanity to violate his brain. Your absolute perfection was simply too overwhelming, but somehow, he couldn't be irritated with you - he was on the receiving end of his own taunts.

Lesson ended, and Tsukishima's heart skipped a few beats. Before he was even able to organise all of his supplies, you had appeared in front of his desk, head lowered and legs squeezed tightly together.

Voice trembling, you half-shouted, "I'm so sorry! I never meant to get you into trouble!"

"Huh?" He was trying desperately to quell his nerves. "You didn't. I just wasn't paying enough attention to the teacher."

Raising your head a little, as if pleading for permission, you muttered, "Well, I'm still sorry! You dislike me, right? That's why you were looking away in the first place."

Tsukishima glowered, despite his best efforts. "If I disliked you, don't you think it would be a bit more obvious?"

"It...it seemed pretty obvious. Sorry..." Your arms were pressed against your bust, and you started to wish that you hadn't approached the boy.

"Stop apologising. It's annoying." He scolded you verbally, and himself mentally; why wasn't he reassuring you? 

Surely, a few gentle words rolling off his tongue wouldn't pain him that much? Alas, pride had mounted his brain, and was in the process of overriding the mainframe of his heart. 

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