Mega Lucas

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Mega Lucas's perspective 

i was fighting skell trying to keep him from pricking me with that needle when a drone attacked me and i felt a prick in my arm. i saw that the syringe skell was holding is now empty 

/3rd person/

Mega Lucas: what was in that syringe?! *has a Really strong immune system*  

Skell: a surprise.... it should incapacitate you for a while....

/in mega Lucas's body/

Virus: *genetically made by skell* *attaches self to cell and uses it to reproduce* 

Cell: *dies bursting with hundreds more Virus's*

Virus: *repeats this to hundreds of cells over 3 days*

/the next day/ mega Lucas's perspective. 

I woke up with a cough but thats not uncommon for the morning a started to do my morning routine. i didnt have much trouble but what skell said does worry me . what did he mean it would incapacitate me? this coughs mildly annoying but thats it...  i put on my bandanna red from a previous battle with one of skells robots. when i went down stairs my stomach started to hurt but not much. so i carried on. i saw red and she looked worried. probably for the same reasons.

/3rd person/

Red: You okay Lucas? im worried about skell... what if a virus was in  that Syringe...?

Mega Lucas: then my immune system will fight it! dont forget i have a pretty strong immune system. 

Red: right. sorry for doubting you... *kiss*

/mega lucas's perspective/

when red kissed me i blushed madly luckily the bandanna hid the blushing but the kiss was awesome... sweet and affectionate! 

/2nd day/ /still mega lucas's perspective/

I  woke up with a really sore throat it really hurts. and my stomach aches gotten worse.  Its starting to hurt and making me nauseous... and right when i said nauseous i gagged and had to run to the toilet to throw up.... so i did.... a my pjs.

/reds perspective/

I saw Lucas run into the bathroom in his pjs then heard some awful sounds like some one trying to throw up their stomach.  I peeked and saw lucas pale as a ghost sitting on the floor in his pjs clenching the toilet bowl so hard his knuckles were white. I ran to him the puke smelled awful. We had spaghetti and meatballs last night and they didnt smell good on the way out.  I still went and rubbed lucas back as he lost his lunch and most other meals.  I felt his forehead

/Mega Lucas's perspective/

I felt awful while throwing up in the toilet...  when red came in to rub my back it helped a lot then she put her nice cool hand on my forehead and frowned.  I must've had a fever...  then i started to cough..... a lot....  red looked really worried and went to look in the medicine cabinet and pulled two things out a thermometer that goes in the ear and cough syrup.... so i kept my mouth shut tightly not wanting to take that disgusting medicine

/reds Perspective/

Lucas was burning up! I got a thermometer and some cough syrup for that nasty sounding cough. But Lucas closed his mouth tightly because its grape flavored. Or at least supposed to be. I've had some when i had strep throat.  And it doesnt taste good. But not as bad as natural cough syrup.  I  stuck the thermometer in Lucas's ear and it showed 105. Thats a bad fever! His normal is 98....  i had to get him to take the Cough Syrup.... then mabie give him a ice pack next.

/3rd person/

Red: Lucas you need this cough syrup!

Lucas: *moves mouth* 

Minion 13131: Sir Do you need anything?

mega Lucas: *harsh coughs*

Red: hold his mouth open please.

Minion 13131: yes ms. *holds him still*

Mega Lucas: *Struggles* 

Red: *forces him to take the couch syrup*

Mega Lucas: *gags*

Red: sallow.

Mega Lucas: *sallows*  ugh...

Red: now let me take you to bed.

Mega Lucas: *nods weakly*

/in megas room megas Perspective/

I stomach really hurt i guess red was right skell made a virus to incapacitate me.... i sneezed my power to fire lasers unwillingly activating. As red got me in bed she tucked me in and told me she will be back. Shes really nice when you get to know her and need help. Even if she denies it. 

/reds perspective/

I went to the bases kitchen to get him some soup and a ice pack.  i could hear lucas coughing and sneezing. he sounded horrible.... when i was done with the  soup i went up to lucas's room.

/mega lucas perspective/

I laid in bed and i didnt feel dizzy anymore. Witch was nice. I saw red eventually come in holding a bowl of soup with crackers and a ice pack. When she put the ice on my forehead i felt a little better because i wasnt burning up as much. I tried to get up but I felt to weak to get up on my own. Damn virus...

/reds perspective/

I saw lucas struggling to sit up so i helped him sit up and placed a pillow behind him and asked if he was hungry.

/3rd person/

Lucas: yea....

Red: *Feeds lucas*

Lucas: *eats whats fed to him*

Red: *finshes feeding him* now rest Lucas...

/the 3rd day/ /still mega Lucas perspective/

Somehow i felt even worse... i completely lost my voice and could only hold liquids down. To  a point red had to keep a sick bowl near me at all times.  My Fever spiked and my stomach was killing me... red placed a ice pack on my head witch felt nice then my stomach betrayed me.  i threw up the eggs and bacon i had earlier...

/3rd person perspective/

Red: *rubs Lucas's back as he throws up in the bowl*

Lucas: *groans*

Red: you look horrible  Lucas.... *goes to get some very powerful magic healing medicine and comes out*

Lucas: mmmmmmm......!

Red: *pours a gooey green syrup from a bottle into a spoon* come on lucas... this can help....

Lucas: *opens his mouth* 

Red: *puts it in his mouth*

Lucas: *sallows*

Red: Can you eat? 

Lucas: *shakes head*

Red: wanna try that Bath again?

Lucas: *nods*

/reds perspective/

So i helped well more like guided mega to the bathroom and turned the Cool water so the bath would be nice for lucas to relax in. so after i helped lucas into the bathtub i went to get some tissues 

/lucas's perspective/ 

the water Felt Amazing...... nice and Cool for my fever 

/a week later/ /still lucas's Perspective/ 

So i feel a LOT better the disgusting medicine actually helped... so me and red are making a bad  computer for Skell so he gets a taste of his own medicine.

/a day later/

Mega: *force installs the virus* 

Skell: what was that?

Mega: karma. *leaves*

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